Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Harvey
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Steve Harvey might not be asking people what their job is after this answer
June 18th, 2013 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

So as we know, game show hosts like to ask the contestants what they do for a living. Well Steve Harvey asked a contestant on Family Feud that very question, and quickly regretted it. Ron told Harvey that he owns and runs a crematorium. OK, so we are all a little weirded out at this point, but it gets worse. Harvey then decided that he wanted to know more and that was a huge mistake. Ron explained, “I learned about the business because my wife and I have a pizza oven in the backyard.” Instead of stopping there, Steve wanted to know “was that where you first tried somebody?” Ron responded with a smile on his face, “No, no, no. We did neighborhood cats and dogs.” At that point, Steve couldn’t talk to him anymore for the rest of the show. I can’t say I blame him. Although I wish Harvey would’ve followed up by asking if he still used that pizza oven to cook food. Then again maybe we don’t want to know.


A Family Feud answer that’ll leave someone’s panties in a twist!
May 6th, 2013 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

So Family Feud asked 100 married women, “What does your husband do when runs out of clean underwear?” Sounds like a safe question, right? Well when Steve Harvey asked Marleen that question, she yelled into the mic “He wears a pair of mine!” Her hubby was standing next to her and was doing everything in his power to say that he doesn’t and kill that answer, but the damage was done. Now everyone knows that he wears his wife panties when he doesn’t have any clean ones left. So did they get the points? Believe it or not, it was not on the board.
So how did the blushing groom respond the question, he said “Steve, he washes them.” And ladies and gentlemen that was the #1 answer! So at least he got vindication, even though his image in his community was forever ruined.
BTW can you imagine what their ride back to the hotel was like?


Watch a man get in trouble with his wife on Family Feud!!!
March 19th, 2013 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud loves to asks risque questions on the game show and now they asked one that got a man in big trouble with his wife. Steve Harvey said to the contestants “We asked 100 men; name something you’ve never had, but you know you want it.” Well Jimmy didn’t hesitate to buzz in and give his answer, but as he said it the judges buzzed his words. So Harvey told the audience it was good one and he asked Jimmy to say it again into the mic. Well the red-faced Jimmy laughed nervously as he said “two women”. Then the camera panned over to his wife Pam, who was shocked by his wants. She didn’t take his answer very well and told him he was in trouble. But maybe she will be a little forgiving because the answer was on the board. Two men (the way I like my Ménage à trois) agreed with Jimmy over his wife.
No word if he got what he wanted when he got home, but for some reason I think he is only getting a third of what he wanted in that answer.
BTW am I the only who thought he said Blow Job instead of Ménage à trois?


Oprah Winfrey admits she has big breastses
March 15th, 2013 under Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Oprah Winfrey is a guest on Steve Harvery‘s talk show and he asked her about what Terrence Howard said about her. When the actor was asked about working with Lady O, he told MovieFanatic “Oprah and I had such chemistry. To be able to make out with Oprah and to have love scenes with her and those tig ol’ bitties.”
Well today on Harvey’s show she talked about it and she took it all in good stride. In fact she said when her friends call her about it all upset, she responds to them with pride and says “Well I do have big breastses!” That she does and he is very lucky she is letting him get away with it.


Vibrator, don’t leave home without it?
February 15th, 2013 under Sex Toys, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud asked 100 women, “Name something most women wouldn’t be caught dead leaving the house without.” Well when Nichole was asked that question by Steve Harvey, she begrudgingly answered “uh, their vibrator.” Steve’s reaction was priceless!
BTW I am surprised it wasn’t on the board because I always take mine with me!


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