Family Feud asked another question that garnered a below the belt answer. They asked, “Besides the top of your head, name something else you comb the hair on?” The Lovett Family got together and guessed, “Your private parts?”
Steve Harvey then walked up to the youngest member of the family and asked Nkosi if he tried it. When the teen said no, the host explained to him why he should never do it. Harvey said, “You do it one time, you won’t do it again.” Then he added, “If you do it once, you will never ever ever try that again. Cause if there is one snarl, one tangled blade of hair, and you pull it, I swear to Gd, you’ll want to die.” As he described it to the kid, you can just imagine the pain he went through when he brushed it. Even though you don’t mean to laugh, it is hard not to because you can see the humor in the situation. Or maybe it is me because I love to laugh at pain.
Now when it comes to the answer, somehow it was not on the board. I guess not enough people are as brave as Harvey. Either that or who has hair left to comb down there these days?
Steve Harvey asked the contestants, “We asked 100 single women, when you go on a date name something the guy has that you hope is clean?” You would think the people on the show would say bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and/or himself. That is not what the two ladies who were up there guessed. Magalee buzzed in first and she said, “his car,” and that was the 5th answer on the board. As we know on Family Feud, the other person gets to see if they know an answer that is higher up on the board. Shelia proudly guessed, “condoms” and her sons screamed out, “Good answer ma!”
You have to wonder how she raised her boys that they would be so proud and not embarrassed by their mother screaming out condoms on national television. She is a cool mom, who raised her boys right!
Now when it comes to the answer, I loved everyone’s shocked faces when it was on the board and higher up than car!
So men let that be a lesson to you, we want you to have rubbers and we want them to be clean! We also want the thing you put the Trojan on to be clean too! But that goes without saying.
Last week, we all laughed when a contestant on Family Feud was asked the last place he stuck his finger and he said his wife. Well, this week there is another answer of that caliber.
Steve Harvey asked, “Talked to 100 men, name the first part of a woman you touch to get her in the mood?” Then you see the little shy boy come out of Larry as he said, “That would be the lower front or the…vagina.” As soon as he was done answering the question, everyone lost it with laughter and the host went off on one of his hysterical rants. One that kept going and going, even though Larry wanted to move on because he was so embarrassed he just said that on national television.
Then when Harvey had finally finished joking around, it was time to see if it was on the board. Believe it or not, it wasn’t. Larry’s expression was priceless when he heard the buzzer. It was like I just said that on national television for no reason at all, WTF? Harvey was shocked too, and asked his producers, “How the hell ain’t that up there? You see the smiles on these men’s faces??” Then he declared, “I don’t want to host this show no more.” Thankfully, they were able to talk him down off the ledge because Family Feud would not be the same without him. And those classic answers!
Steve Harvey asked the contestants, “Name something a pirate has on the ship for all of those lonely nights at sea?” When the Family Feud host got over to Michael, the contestant said, “His KY, Steve!”
Harvey was so surprised by his answer that he wanted an explanation on how he came up with it. He didn’t ask Michael how, instead he asked his mother who in turn blamed it on the father. Which you can’t blame her because why should she take the fall.
So was it on the board? Two people thought, why should the pirate say, “arrrrgh” when he can say, “Ahoy, ahoy, ahoy, mate!”
And Harvey said, “I’m gonna host Jeopardy.” What is I hope he isn’t serious because I would miss him on Family Feud. No one can handle the families quite like he can.
Steve Harvey asked Kevin on Family Feud, “Tell me the last thing you stuck your finger in?” With very little hesitation, he said, “My wife!” His wife, looked in complete shock after he said it, but yet she gave him a double high five to let him know it was a good answer…during the show. Then when she got him home, I am sure she stuck her finger in a lot of places we can’t talk about.
Back to Harvey, he too was in shock when he heard the answer. So much so, he had to sit down. Once he absorbed what Kevin just said, the host told the contestant that is “favorite answer of all time!” And ours too.
Now that we know the answer was somehow not on the board, it was time for Harvey to ask Ryan that question? Before he let her answer he looked at her husband, who declared, “No sir!”
There is so much awesomeness to that answer, but my favorite part is when you hear Kevin’s mom say, “That’s my boy, Steve!” I don’t know if I would be proud of my son if he said that on national television.