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Donald Trump quits Celeb Apprentice to run for President
March 18th, 2015 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: 3 ]

Donald Trump has decided not to renew his contract with NBC for The Celebrity Apprentice in order to launch a presidential exploratory committee according to the New Hampshire Union Leader. The business mogul flew to New Hampshire yesterday and is expected to talk to the media today at 5:30p.
It will be interesting to see if the exploratory committee finds him as a suitable candidate to run for President of The United States. As an entertainment blogger, I am all for it. As someone who grew up in NYC, I am against it. How do you feel about it?
And as a fan of The Celebrity Apprentice, I really hope that Mark Burnett and NBC find a way to keep it going. Trump is just a small part of the show and I think it can survive without him.


Vivica A Fox says what you see on Celebrity Apprentice is what you get!
February 2nd, 2015 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]
The Celebrity Apprentice is full of many different personalities this season, and Vivica A Fox is the only one who is standing out in a positive light. I know my impression of her has changed for the better since I have been watching her on the show that airs Mondays at 8p on NBC.
So what would make this successful actress do the business reality show? Recently at the NBC TCA Winter Press Day, she said the main reason she did it, “was to be taken out of her comfort zone.” Then she added, “I didn’t have the agent, I didn’t have the manager. I didn’t have people that I could turn to.” What you see of her on the show is who she is, and there was no one there to spin her persona to be press friendly.
She knew this show was going to be hard because she asked her friends Holly Robinson Peete, Star Jones and Mark McGrath what it was like to be on the reality show since they were all previous contestants on it. McGrath said it best when he told her, “They are going to work the living daylights out of you.” He wasn’t kidding because she told us that they work 12 hour days, six days a week. While she could handle those hours, others couldn’t and they let it show.
In fact, that was one thing, I don’t think, she was prepared for when she signed up to be on the show. When talking about some of her fellow teammates she had this to say about them, “They are a different breed. It was taxing on my spirit to be around people that are so catty. I have never in my life.” She explained that they couldn’t take the criticism and it would drive her crazy. There would be times she would have to step away from them because it would be too much.
While all of that sounds like your perfect scripted reality show that airs on other networks, she said that is not the case with The Celebrity Apprentice. She says that the show plays out like they lived it. Explaining, “I was pleasantly surprised to see Celebrity Apprentice play out like a beautiful business Soap Opera.” Adding, “So many times now with the reality shows, because we have so many, and to me they are starting to get scripted, badly.” Concluding her answer by saying, “With Celebrity Apprentice, what you guys are seeing is what you get. They didn’t force anything. You didn’t have a little ear thingy in your ear telling you to say stuff to people.” It’s the real deal just like it is in business.
Which is a good thing because on this show, she said, “Everyone’s goal was to win.” How they went about it, they all did it different ways. Then she added, “Some I liked, some I didn’t.” When she didn’t like it, she would step away.
And Fox wants us to step away from the show with this impression of her. She wants people to see her as a grown businesswoman. Did you know she has had a business for 20 years? You didn’t? Now you do. In fact, the impression she made on the show has worked out well for her because ever since it started airing her phone hasn’t stopped ringing. Something I am sure it will continue to do, long after the finale airs on February 16th.


The Celebrity Apprentices talk about Joan Rivers
January 19th, 2015 under Donald Trump, The Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers. [ Comments: none ]
Last Spring, Joan Rivers taped two appearances on NBC’s The Celebrity Apprentice and the first one airs tonight at 8p. On Friday at NBC’s TCA Winter Press Day, Donald Trump, Executive Producer Mark Burnett and the remaining contestants talked about the legend appearing on tonight’s episode.
Trump said that it might be one of the best in the show’s run because she helped him with making a tough decision. He described her work as his adviser as, “She was fantastic. She was strong. She was vibrant.”
The late comedian also appears on episode later this season, and it was filmed just days before she went in for that fateful surgery. Therefore, they had decide whether to air her episodes or edit her out. The production team decided to turn the episodes into a tribute to the past winner. In turn, they got to spectacular shows in her honor.
Now we know how the bosses feel about her, so how did the employees feel about meeting her. Vivica A Fox, who has been in the business for more than a few years, said they were all star struck when they saw her. Then she added, “When she walked in, we were all so very pleasantly surprised. It was like Joan!” What advice did the Season 2 winner have for them, the actress said, “She was very kind, very honest, and a hard worker, and that’s what she told us would make us successful on Celebrity Apprentice.”
Kenya Moore is never one who has a loss for words and she had several to say about Rivers. She said, “She’s this little powerhouse of a woman, very short in stature, but she was so big in heart, and she got around really well.” The Bravo Housewife added, “She made us all feel welcome, and she just really made us want to raise more money for our charities and give it all we have.”
Finally, for Geraldo Rivera it was a long due reunion for the two. Back in the early ’90s the two of them had daytime talk shows and taped next to each other. He was grateful to see his neighbor again, which made it so much more upsetting when she died just days later.
For now let’s not focus on her death, let’s focus on the great legacy she left behind including The Celebrity Apprentice.


Vivica A Fox called out Shawn Johnson for getting her ‘damn period’
January 6th, 2015 under Donald Trump, Vivica A Fox. [ Comments: 5 ]
Yesterday on Celebrity Apprentice, Shawn Johnson told Vivica A Fox, at the beginning of challenge, she wasn’t feeling well because of her monthly problem. Well the Kill Bill vixen didn’t take to well to that revelation. So during the boardroom, she brought it up to Donald Trump when he asked her who she thinks should go home.
Oh no, she didn’t? Oh yes, she did. When explaining why the Olympic Gymnast checked out on her, she said, “She had a monthly problem that was bothering her and I just felt that she was not herself.” Trump responded with, “She has a monthly woman’s problem?” Without skipping a beat, she told him, “Yes, sir. She got her damn period.”
There is an unwritten girl code, you don’t reveal that information to a man. You don’t break the sisterhood of the comfortable pants for anything and anyone. It’s just understood. But I guess no one shared that information with the Sharknado 2 star. Maybe the 50 year old beauty has forgotten what it is like to be visited by Aunt Flo? When that bitch comes for a visit, you don’t want to deal with people, much less take part in a stupid challenge with a bunch of Alpha ladies. So Shawn, as a woman, I am totally on your side in this case. Hopefully, the bitchiness that comes along with your monthly will kick in and you will give it to the Project Manager of that challenge on the next episode.
You see, the women won, so none of them got eliminated. The men on the other hand have their own Aunt Flo that they want to get rid of and his name is Geraldo Rivera. Personally, I think as much as we all want to see him out, he is going to win it all. Trump likes those kind of people on his NBC show, see Piers Morgan, the late Joan Rivers and Arsenio Hall.


Donald Trump and Dolly Parton get their ‘hair’ wet for the ALS IBC!
August 28th, 2014 under ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Dolly Parton, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge got popular, I have been wanting to see two people do it. Today, Donald Trump and Dolly Parton heard my prayers and let their hair get wet for ALS.
In a millions years, OK since the viral sensation is dying down, did I expect either one of them to accept it. However, today both of them braved the water and we got see what their ‘hair’ looks like when it’s drenched.
I honestly thought that Donald Trump was going to look like Cousin It from The Addams Family, but sadly, he didn’t. In fact, it didn’t look like that front section was that long. So how does it create his look? Some mysteries I guess will always be left to the unknown. But there was one mystery solved today, and that is that Trump’s hair is real because fake hair could not have survived that.
Now when it comes to Dolly Parton, the Country Crooner, is just so gosh darn cute. Plus, her wig really held up to the challenge and stayed on. And you boys got to see her in a wet T-shirt. Something I am sure made you guys really happy.
Happy as I am that they accepted the challenge and donated money for a good cause.


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