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The Jonas Brothers won 2 awards they so deserved!!!
February 26th, 2009 under Disney Kids, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: 1 ]

The Jonas Brothers won two awards at Shockwaves NME Awards in London last night! They won Worst Band and Worst Album for A Little Bit Longer and I can’t think of a band more deserving of those honors! Sadly they were not there to accept the dishonors because they are here in The States promoting their movie Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience
Maybe it is because I hit puberty, but I just don’t the Jonas Brothers. Can someone please explain them why they are so big here in The States? At least in London they are on my boat with them!!!


The Jonas Brothers challenge their #1 fan!
February 24th, 2009 under Disney Kids, Jimmy Kimmel, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: 3 ]

Last night the Jonas Brothers appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! for the third time and this time Jimmy had something special planned for them! The show Googled their #1 fan and invited her to compete against them to see who know more about the Jonas Brothers…Jessi or the three bros themselves? If Jessi knew more about them then she would get to meet them if she didn’t she would continue being the biggest fan who never met her idolseven though they were inches away from her! Watch the video to see if she faints with the prospect of being so close to her favorite band!
It is scary how much some people know about their bands! Way scary!
BTW I hope that Jimmy Kimmel Live! adds this feature to the show more often! Like on Monday with New Kids on the Block, when I will be there! I would love to see a person faint on the show in person!!!


Jimmy Kimmel makes one ugly teenage girl
November 26th, 2008 under Disney Kids, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

2:00 in on the first one and 9:20 in on the second one
Jimmy Kimmel’s or should I say Donna Kimmel’s favorite band the Jonas Brothers were on and he got so excited that he dressed up as a teenage girl trying to woo them with his feminine charm. Joe, Kevin and Nick’s reaction to Donna was just classic!
BTW I wonder if Sarah Silverman was his inspiration for that look???
Coming up in the next few weeks on Jimmy Kimmel Live! is The Cure, Tom Cruise, Snow Patrol, Adam Sandler and Fall Out Boy!

UPDATE: Here is a shorter video of Jimmy as Donna the JoBro’s number one fan!


Joe Jonas really cares about the way he looks
November 21st, 2008 under Disney Kids, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: 5 ]

(photo from WireImage)
Joe Jonas really cares about the way that he looks, that he dresses a mannequin in the clothes he plans on wearing the night beforehand according to Star Magazine.

An insider says Joe "is absolutely obsessed about what he wears and how it looks." So, every night he does a trial run with the next day's outfit, from head to toe.

"He even goes as far as putting his Ray-Bans on the fake Joe," says the source. "Joe's brothers think he's crazy, but planning his outfits on a mannequin saves him time in the morning!"

He needs a new mannequin because it really isn't helping his style. It might be better than his brothers, but that isn't saying much.


Miss Piggy and her piglets
September 11th, 2008 under Disney Kids. [ Comments: none ]

Poor Miss Piggy forced to meet Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez. Hopefully she at least is getting a meaty role out of it.

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