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Is that what Barbie would look like?
July 2nd, 2013 under Barbie, Cool Technology. [ Comments: 2 ]

Ever wonder what Barbie would like if she was crafted like the measurements of the average 19 year old girl? Well according to Daily Mail, Nickolay Lamm did just that when he created a 3-D model of what the popular doll should look like. You know what I like his version of the fashion doll so much better. She looks better with some extra plastic on her body. While I like it, I am sure she wouldn’t and she would be contacting the nearest plastic surgeon to make her look as plastic as she does now.


Barbie photgraphed without makeup
April 5th, 2013 under Barbie, Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]

via Daily Mail
Ever since Barbie made her debut in 1959, she has always been seen with makeup on. Well thank to Eddi Aguirre using some photo enhancement technology, we are seeing what the perfect doll would look like without it. You know what she is just as beautiful.
I hope Mattel sees this photo and decides to come out with a real Barbie. I think little girls would love her just as much.


It is things like this that make it OK to egg and/or TP your neighbor’s house.
November 29th, 2012 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]

via Huffington Post
Tis the season for people to decorate their houses for the holidays. While most keep it simple, some go absolutely nuts. Not only do the put tons and tons of lights on their house, they sync those lights to music. Case in point, a guy in Texas not only has place so bright you can see it from outer space, he also has the lights doing a dance to Gangnam Style from Psy. You know his neighbors are going to love that, not. Especially since I am sure they are already as sick of the song as you and me.
Since I don’t live any where near that house, I have to admit he did a really beautiful job with the lights! If I lived near him, then I would freakin’ despise him.


This finger art gets two thumbs up!
November 7th, 2012 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]

A man who goes by the name Dito Von Tease uses his index finger to created some of the most amazing art I have ever seen. He explained how his artwork came about on his site, by saying “My desire to hide myself from real life made me think about people’s identity and mine. So I used the image of a finger to suggest that we all try to hide ourselves behind an image of us we create.” So he used historical, news and political figures along with celebrities to hide his identity. And how long does it take him to do that, he says 8-16 hours.
You have to check out his site for even more fingertastic paintings and if you want I posted some more pictures then click here!


It’s now easier to join the Mile High Club!
November 10th, 2011 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]

(video via Jimmy Kimmel Live)

Joining the Mile High Club just got a lot easier, if you can still become a member by doing it solo. That’s because the boss of RyanAir, Michael O’Leary told The Sun that he is thinking of adding p0rn to his planes. Before you go, but then everyone can see me viewing it on the back the person in front of me’s chair, you will happy to know you can only view it on your tablets and smartphones via an App. So in other words you will want to buy a tablet before you fly RyanAir because you don’t want to watch a sex scene on a little screen. And you will also want to bring headphones because you don’t want everyone to hear what you are watching. Although they might hear you watching what you don’t want to know you are watching.
I only see one problem with this idea, the wait to use the bathroom just got a whole lot longer than it used to be… Well that and they only fly in Europe. So JetBlue and SouthWest you say you are cheaper airlines, then how about cheapening your flights by doing the same thing!!! I already with my friendly iPad and have space to download the needed App!


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