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Pot flavored condoms!
February 26th, 2014 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]

So some company in Amsterdam, yes Amsterdam, came up with the idea for Cannibis Flavored condoms called Cannadom. I have tried chocolate, cherry, banana and mint, and I’ve never thought about tasting one that’s pot flavored. I strongly believe in flavored condoms because they make him taste better, so if pot is your flavor enjoy! And the best part is you won’t get the munchies after you are done sucking on one, but hopefully he will…


The bra that only comes off for true love
January 28th, 2014 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]

via NewsBreaker
So Ravijour came up with a bra that will only unhook for true love, translation if you heart is beating hard enough that it is saying yes, yes, yes to your partner it will open up for them. So if you are going out with a loser that you don’t want to go to second base with, don’t worry the bra will stay on during their unwanted advances.
The fact that someone came up with this, is pretty incredible. But the fact that a man did this, is unbelievable. I can’t believe a man came up with an invention to cock block another guy. I thought there was unwritten rule in the Bro Code book about that never happening. I mean if a woman came up with it, I would understand it better. I would also understand it better if it was a chastity belt like the one that they had in Spaceballs because that is more of a deterrent than a bra that won’t unhook.
Now having said all of this, I wish I had one of these when I was a teen because my bra came off faster than you can say second base.


Do you want to see what your lover sees during sex?
January 22nd, 2014 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: 2 ]

Have you ever wondered what you look like during sex to your partner? Well there’s an App coming from that. Glance came up with an App that will be cuming to Google Glass and iPhones that will let you experience sex through the eyes of your partner.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to see what my face looks like when I am faking one. And I am sure he doesn’t wasn’t to see what his partner sees when he’s doing it Doggy Style.
So are you going to download this App as soon as it is available? And then if you do, are you going to try it out?


Be careful of your Amazon order because the delivery may kill you?
December 2nd, 2013 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]

I guess Sunday deliveries wasn’t good enough for Amazon because they will soon be adding Amazon Prime Air to their shipping option. They are hoping that sometime in 2015, they will be making the same promise as some pizza companies. As in they will get you what you ordered in 30 minutes or less. How? They will be using drones to ship you what you just bought, as long as it is under 5lbs. So I wouldn’t order anything like a knife because one slip up and you won’t be ordering from Amazon ever again.
Am I the only one afraid of this advancement in technology? It will be like a real life miniature version of The Jetsons, minus George, Jane, Judy, Elroy and Astro. I am just not ready to watch my favorite childhood cartoon come to life.


Is the coolest and most annoying invention?
July 29th, 2013 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]

So some guy named Eric Buss took a roll of bubble wrap and placed it on the front of his bike. Then he proceeded to run over the bubble wrap with his bike. While riding it has to be the coolest thing ever, not being on the seat and listening to it is beyond annoying.
Hey Eric, I see you are in the Burbank area. If I bring the bubble wrap, can I ride your bicycle? To paraphrase Queen, I want to ride your bicycle.


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