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BTWF: Conan O’Brien doing warmup
July 3rd, 2020 under Before They Were Famous, Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Before Conan O’Brien had someone doing warmup for his talk show, he was doing warmup for The Wilton North Report. He looks the same now as he did in 1987 when he was 24.


Did Conan O’Brien’s family kick him out of the house?
July 2nd, 2020 under Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

When Hollywood got hit by COVID-19, production shut down. That meant that all of the talk shows went dark. It didn’t stay that way for too long because Conan O’Brien was the first one to announce he would be doing new episodes from his home.

That was three months ago, and I think that his family has had enough of him being with them 24/7. That is because today, he revealed that starting on Monday, he will be doing his TBS show from Largo at the Coronet in Hollywood instead of from whatever room his family banished him to.

The new location is perfectly safe. The guests, as well, as the audience, will still be at their homes. In fact, just a few of his staff members will be joining him in the makeshift studio, while the rest will be working from their home offices.

The theater is a place he has known for almost 35 years. As O’Brien explained, “I got started doing improv at the Coronet in 1986 and I’m glad we’ve figured out a way to safely keep that theater going during this lockdown.” And for his family, it is a much-needed break from him.

Talking about breaks, Jimmy Kimmel is taking the summer. Now, we know who will be the first people who will be filling in for him while he has gone fishing. On Monday and Tuesday, Anthony Anderson will be hosting the show. Then on Wednesday and Thursday, Billy Eichner will be sitting in the big chair. Which is his own since Kimmel has been doing his ABC show from his house, and his wife has been doing Matt Damon from there too. Can you blame her?

UPDATE: Conan O’Brien confirmed what I suspected. He posted the below photo and wrote, “I am thrilled I’m moving my show to @largolosangeles next week. My family is more thrilled.” -Conan

Conan O’Brien/Instagram


Mario Lopez is Conan O’Brien’s entertainment reporter
April 29th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien, Mario Lopez. [ Comments: none ]

There is so much entertainment news going on that Conan O’Brien hired Mario Lopez to tell it to him every night on his TBS show. Yesterday was Lopez’s first night, and I cannot get over all of the tea he was spilling.

After all of those years on Extra and Access Hollywood, he really knows how to get all of the dirt.

Wasn’t his report extra, extra?


Conan O’Brien did an animal segment from his house
April 7th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

One of the things that late night talk show hosts hate doing the most is segments with an animal expert. Now that they are all doing their shows from their homes during COVID-19, they get out of doing them. Or so Conan O’Brien thought.

Tonight on TBS talk show, Conan found a way to do a segment with animals from the Conservation Ambassadors in his living room. How did it go? Better than we thought for the humans. Sadly, all the exotic animals came down with Conanvirus. They were not able to be saved. On a positive note, the taxidermist had no problem stuffing them.


I don’t think Kevin Hart is going to like this Conan O’Brien joke
April 2nd, 2020 under Conan O'Brien, Coronavirus, Kevin Hart. [ Comments: none ]

Conan O’Brien started off his TBS talk show, which he is filming at his house, with a PSA. He wanted to show us how far it is to be 6′ feet away from someone.

Since James Comey is 6’8″ tall, Conan used a life-size cardboard cut out of the former FBI Director, and he put it down on the ground. That is the perfect amount of social distancing you need to do from someone.

What is not the perfect amount? The host says it is one Kevin Hart. Does that mean two of him is better? Nope. Watch the video to see how many Kevin Harts are the appropriate distance to be away from someone else during the Coronavirus pandemic.

I know I am ruining his jokes, but the cut-outs are not actual size. Conan is the tallest host in late night, so that Comey one was way too tall while the Hart one was the right amount of feet and inches.


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