Remember how shocked you were to see Kevin Hart down on the field after the Eagles won their first Super Bowl? Well turns out he was too.
Yesterday, when he was talking to Conan O’Brien he told him how he got down there with the players for his hometown’s football team. As we know, he was drunk. Being drunk gives you balls and the alcohol definitely did that for the comedian. When his team won, he told his wife and his friends that they should all go down to celebrate with the guys.
Only problem is they didn’t have passes. He didn’t care. He kept walking past security and told them that he was, “Kevin Hart,” and it worked. Once he was down on the turf, he stole some. Which he framed.
Eventually, he found himself with the football players and they tossed him around like he was football, since he is about the same size. Something he discovered the next day when he saw video from the night before.
As he was talking to the winners, he thought that Philadelphia would love to see him with the trophy. Now he was determined to go up on the stage, even though one of the players told him the trophy was next to him. He did not hear that and was destined to get on to that stage no matter what. There is only one thing that could stop him, and it was not his wife. It is a security guard twice his size.
Hart never did say if he got a picture with the trophy, but he did he say he would do it all over again! Who wouldn’t because that is the ultimate experience for a long time fan.
Heather Graham is a first time director in the movie Half Magic, and she had to direct herself doing herself.
It is such a hot scene that she told Conan O’Brien a dildo company was willing to pay $50,000 to be part of it. Did she take the money? Nope, because it did not call for anything other than her hand to be used to pleasure herself. And she had to direct her hand as a cameraman stood over her. Talk about pressure.
She also talked about another scene in the movie that one of her male friends did not like. Her friend does like hearing women say pussy, so he asked her if he could change the word to flower. She did not, which I so agree with. I find calling my pussy a flower is like so gross. What about you?
We have seen celebrities dance their way out on to a talk show, come out riding on animals, but we have never seen one do what Zach Galifianakis did. He came out of Andy Richter’s belly like the alien in Alien. Only problem is, once he got his head out, he was stuck.
Some things sound good on a paper, but in reality they do not always work. And because this did not work out perfectly, it made it even funnier. Therefore, making it the greatest late night show entrance in history! How can you top that?
Conan O’Brien is in Italy, one of the most romantic countries in the world. Therefore, you would think that he would be having the best Valentine’s ever. Then you would be wrong. That is because the 6’4″ talk show host is spending it in the smallest car with Jordan Schlansky. I do not know what is worse for him, having his knees in face (because he is all legs) or being trapped in the car with his mortal enemy. I am going with the latter because who would want to be stuck in a car with Mr Know It All, who does seem to know it all.
You know what TBS, I am pitching that these two men do a Comedians in Cars with Coffee like series, but it is just them, in this car, trying to navigate their way through LA traffic every week. Could you imagine? Schlansky can teach us all about Los Angeles, while O’Brien learns all the ways you can kill someone and get away with murder from all those investigation shows on television.
BTW the two of them are in Italy taping another episode of Conan Without Borders.
Jordan Schlansky is flying to Florence and sitting behind him is his excited boss Conan O’Brien; so are the two of them having a secret affair in Italy? No, but they are going there together to film the latest Conan Without Borders.
I do not care why they are going overseas, I am so happy that is just the two of them. Because with this episode, TBS finally has a pilot for their newest comedy, O’ Schlansky. Read it like it is a promo for an ’80s sitcom.
They are the best comedic duo since Abbott & Costello and Laurel & Hardy.
UPDATE: They are posting videos from their trip and they look like they are having a lot of fun. If I am lying, may my nose grow!!!