Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Channing Tatum
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Channing Tatum is a beast!
November 1st, 2016 under Channing Tatum, Halloween. [ Comments: none ]

Channing Tatum dressed up as the Beast while his wife, Jenna Dewan and their daughter, Everly, dressed up as Belle. Proving that when Beauty and the Beast get their happily Everly after, it is one for the Fairy Tale books.


Can we sink the Splash remake?
August 1st, 2016 under Channing Tatum, Stupid Sequels/Remakes. [ Comments: none ]

That high pitched scream you heard was not from Daryl Hannah saying her real name in Splash, but me when I just read in The Hollywood Reporter that they are remaking the 1984 movie with Channing Tatum as the Mermaid.
Splash is a movie that holds up very well, so there is no reason to remake it. Let alone to remake with Channing Tatum in Hannah’s role and Jillian Bell in Tom Hanks’s part. No.
Who wants to see a movie with a male Mermaid? Not being sexist, but they are women. At least half women, but you know what I mean.
Tatum needs to stick with what he does best, dancing half naked in movies like Step Up and Magic Mike. Not playing a half naked Merman.
Dear Hollywood and Disney, Stop remaking great movies and turning them into crappy ones. Didn’t this summer’s box office teach you anything? Guess not.


Jenna Dewan taking a bath!
June 28th, 2016 under Channing Tatum, Taking a bath. [ Comments: none ]

Jenna Dewan posed in a bubble bath for Women’s Health and she never looked hotter. You can work out your body as hard as you want, but if you don’t relax your mind and muscles it ain’t doing crap. As you can see Mrs Channing Tatum definitely knows how to do the latter. Plus, she looks amazing doing so.


Is Jenna Dewan auditioning for Pinhead?
June 3rd, 2016 under Channing Tatum. [ Comments: none ]

Jenna Dewan shared a photo of herself with her face looking like a pin cushion, so is she auditioning to be Pinhead in an eventual Hellraiser remake? Nope, she is using acupuncture to balance her hormones, prevent headaches, the calming effect and to get a little facelift all while remaining Zen. Although it looks like it is the furthest thing from being Zen.
Why does acupuncture look like Hell on Earth, but feels more like Heaven?


Janet Jackson takes her dancers to strip clubs
February 25th, 2016 under Channing Tatum, James Corden, The Jacksons. [ Comments: 1 ]

Jenna Dewan was on The Late Late Show yesterday and James Corden asked her about being a backup dancer for Janet Jackson. Then she revealed that not only was it amazing to dance for Miss Jackson, it was fun to hang out when the concerts were over. Mrs Channing Tatum said, “She loves to go out in every single city and we would have so much fun. She would be like, let’s go out.” Then she added, “We would always end up going to strip clubs. Which is weird, I know, interesting. But what would happen…what was so funny, we would walk in and the strippers would fan girl over Janet.”
Can you imagine going to a strip club with Janet? Better yet, can you imagine being a stripper and seeing her walk in? What a trip. Now I want to go to tripping with her, don’t you?
From strippers to little kids, here are Corden and Dewan getting dance lessons from toddlers!


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