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Is CSI in trouble?
October 23rd, 2014 under CBS. [ Comments: none ]

CSI is CBS’s longest running show, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t immuned from being on the network’s chopping block. The show that is in its 15th season had its episode order cut from 22 to 18 according to TVLine.
The procedural is expected to be replaced by its spinoff CSI: Cyber which is getting a lot of positive buzz. So I guess CBS can only have one CSI on at a time.
That problem solved for CBS, now they have to figure out where to put Battle Creek and The Mentalist. My prediction is that Stalker will not get the bottom 9 to make room for Creek and The Mentalist will move to the summer. I also expect that NCIS: LA and Person of Interest to switch timeslots. I think POI is a better fit with Scorpion and LA with the other two NCISes.
But who knows anything can happen?
Plus, they still have to find slots for The Odd Couple and Mike & Molly. So that means at least one comedy might also have their episode order cut to make room for Oscar and Felix.


Oh boy, Dean Stockwell quantum leaps over to NCIS:NOLA
October 16th, 2014 under CBS, NCIS, Quantum Leap, Scott Bakula. [ Comments: none ]

If you are like me, then you are still missing Quantum Leap. We are not going to get the show back with new episodes, but we are getting the next big thing. That’s because we are going to see Sam and Al together again on NCIS: New Orleans.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Dean Stockwell will guest star on the season’s biggest new show sometime next month. EW says he “will play Tom Hamilton, a proud and spirited retired New Orleans cop who still has his wits about him. When confronted by investigators about a murder 40 years ago, he arrogantly pushes back using his knowledge and experience. Tom Hamilton is also the father of Councilman Douglas Hamilton (recurring guest star Steven Weber).”
Sounds like his character could be back working with Scott Bakula again at some point during the show’s run, which is perfectly fine with me. Quantum Leap wasn’t only great because of the storylines, it was also great because of the chemistry between the two actors. Something I can’t wait to see when the two of them share the small screen together again after 21 years.
How excited are you for this TV reunion?


For some reason CBS renewed Under the Dome and Extant
October 9th, 2014 under CBS. [ Comments: none ]
Even though CBS’s summer shows ended over a month ago, today the network finally announced which ones will be back and which one won’t be. For some reason they thought that Steven Spielberg’s Under the Dome and Extant warranted another season. Something I find surprising because both shows were awful this year. I loved Under the Dome’s first season, but this season they took the heart out of it. It wasn’t about the Dome, but instead it was all about this Sci-Fi stuff. It was that stuff that took away from what made the once great show a must watch. Hopefully, they will go back to the way it was during the first season but after that sh!tty season finale cliffhanger I don’t know how they can. When it comes to Extant, that show was publicized as Halle Berry getting pregnant while being alone in space, but it seemed to be about anything but. Like UTD it was too Sci-Fi for me, so I will be passing on season 2 and I am sure I am not alone.
Talking about passing on season 2, that is exactly what CBS has done to Reckless. The legal drama will not be back. Sadly, for that show it got really good in the last two episodes, which was too little too late.
Finally, CBS forgot to make a decision about Unforgettable. Hopefully, they will bring it back because it was the only show worth watching this summer on the Eye.


Hollywood’s newest Odd Couple!
October 6th, 2014 under CBS. [ Comments: none ]

In the ’60’s Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon played Oscar Madison and Felix Unger in The Odd Couple on the big screen. Then in ’70s those roles were played by Jack Klugman and Tony Randall on the small screen. In the ’80s those title roles were switched up and they were played by Ron Glass and Demond Wilson on TV and Sally Struthers and Rita Moreno on the stage.
Since then we haven’t really seen anyone star as the recent divorcees who live together but probably shouldn’t because they are such opposites. But that is all about going to change because Matthew Perry and Thom Lennon are bringing The Odd Couple to CBS in the near future.
Today the Friends star Tweeted this photo of himself with his new friend and I am so excited to see what they are going to do with it. Especially because ever since I heard that Lennon got the role, I can’t get over how much he reminds me of Randall. He has his mannerisms, his look and his personality but yet his own man, so he will be perfect in the role. When it comes to Perry, he is one of the naturally funniest actors on television today, and I don’t think he can do any wrong.
Hopefully, this will continue to be another great project for both men.
BTW if you have never see the ’70s version of the sitcom, you can watch it on MeTV every Friday at 10p. If you have seen the original version, then watch it again because it is timeless.


Scorpion is poisonous and Castle is back but is Castle?
September 29th, 2014 under ABC, CBS. [ Comments: none ]
Last week America fell in love with Scorpion and tonight at 9p on CBS, they will adore it even more.
The team is called in to investigate a case that seems out of their jurisdiction, but it isn’t. The Governor’s daughter has come down with a mysterious virus and only has hours to live. Turns out the virus is manmade and the person who made it is not only targeting the Governor’s daughter but also a few other kids too. Why? That is what they are going to have find out before it is too late.
While that is the case of the week, the episode is so much more than that. You will also see how the members of Scorpion look out for each other as they try to solve the case. While they are all business, Paige (Katharine McPhee) is showing them how to be a little but more caring and basically human. Her ways are starting to rub off them and that is a good thing for them.
Tonight, we also learn more Gallo (Robert Patrick) and it explains a little more about why he is the way that he is. You will have a change of heart towards him when it is revealed.
Scorpion is a fast-paced procedural that keeps you on the edge of your seat and makes you care about its characters. There is no other drama on CBS quite like it and that is why it’s the smart choice on television tonight.

Then at 10p switch the dial over to ABC to find out what happened to Castle.
The episode picks up where the season finale ends and Beckett (Stana Katic) sees Castle’s (Nathan Fillion) car on fire. Once the fire has been put out, they realize that he wasn’t in the car. So where is? There will be clues to his whereabouts, but they aren’t really helpful. They will make him look he is part of whatever it is. Did he have cold feet? Did he stage his disappearance? Will Castle go on without Castle?
You are just going to have to tune in to find out the answers to those questions. And to see what other questions they ask because they ask a few.
To be honest if they are carry on with this storyline for too many episodes, I am not sure how fans will feel about the show. I am going to give it another episode or two, but I am starting to have my doubts. It’s kind of like Sweets’ death on Bones, it might be the final nail in the coffin for some fans. I am not trying to discourage you from watching. I am trying to give you a warning because I would know I would want one.


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