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Bryan Cranston is not retiring in 2026
June 10th, 2023 under Bryan Cranston, Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Bryan Cranston did an in-depth interview with British GQ and he talked to them about 2026, the year he turns 70.

They wrote, “Then, in 2026, one of the greatest actors of this era will retire.” And that is where a lot of outlets stopped reading. So their headlines read that he was retiring in 2026.

The Emmy-winning actor is not. Therefore, he took to social media to explain how his life is going to change in 2026.

Hey everyone, I hope this little message finds you well. Some news came out that wasn’t entirely clear…even to me. So I wanted to set the record straight.

I am not retiring.

What I am going to do is hit the pause button for a year after I reach my 70th birthday in 2026. Holy crap – 70!

I’m not even sure what ‘pausing’ means entirely, but at this moment, I think it means that by taking a year off it will provide several things;

First, it will allow me to spend time with Robin (my beautiful wife of 34 years now) in a way that I haven’t been able to in the last 25 years…not as a wife of a celebrity, but as a loving married couple entering into – well, let’s be honest, our latter years, with new hopes and goals and experiences.

Secondly, it gives me a sort of ‘reset’ in my career. I’ve had such an unbelievable ride for over two decades – with playing characters on TV, films, and on stage that I could only have dreamt about…until it actually happened. I could not be more grateful and thankful for such opportunities. That said, I feel as though I’m beginning to run out of fresh ideas in how to play characters that I’m being offered. So exploring a more expanded life experience will give me the chance to replenish my soul and prepare for whatever roles I may be afforded in a more authentic way.

I will unplug from social media, step off the hamster wheel of business, and dive into the classic novels that I’ve always promised myself I would read but haven’t…But before that happens, I’ve got some unfinished business.

Several films are coming out soon that I’m very proud of, I am producing a few stories for TV that I really love, and I am circling my attention on returning to Broadway – but this time in a new light…more on that later. For now, let me just express my deep gratitude to all of you who have been so incredibly kind and generous with your time in reading my posts and following my career. I never take my good fortune for granted. I am blessed, and man, do I know it. I wish all of you well…and I’ll see you down the road.

Love, Bryan

So there you have it. He is not breaking from Hollywood. He is just taking a break from it.


Do Allison Janney and Bryan Cranston have something to tell us?
April 26th, 2023 under Bryan Cranston, Do they have something to tell us?. [ Comments: none ]

Allison Janney and Bryan Cranston shared a photo of themselves in bed, so do they have something to tell us? Yes, they do. But not that.

The Breaking Bad star wrote, “Day one of shooting Everything’s Going To Be Great, and we’re already in the sack!” What a way to break bread.

The movie is described as regional theater owners who travel from state to state with their family. All while dealing with loss and trying to find out who they are. And they do it on stage in front of a live audience.

You know this is going to be very good. How could it not be with those two starring in it?

Oh, and is it just me, or does Cranston look like Robin Williams here?


Bryan Cranston, is that you?
March 15th, 2023 under Bryan Cranston, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Bryan Cranston shared a photo of himself before he appeared on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon yesterday, and he is looking different these days. The actor’s brunette locks are blonde and a lot longer. Not only that, his fashion sense is meth fashionable in the ’80s.

So what is going on? Is he dipping into the stuff he made on Breaking Bad? Nope. Thankfully, it was for a bit on the NBC late night show. To see what they were doing, then click here!


BTWF: Bryan Cranston on One Life to Live
March 1st, 2023 under Before They Were Famous, Bryan Cranston. [ Comments: none ]

via They Started on Soaps

Before Bryan Cranston was a drug dealer on Breaking Bad, he was a reporter on One Life to Live. He looks the same now as he did when he was 29 in that 1985 episode.


Bryan Cranston reveals he had COVID-19
July 30th, 2020 under Bryan Cranston. [ Comments: none ]

Bryan Cranston revealed today that he had coronavirus early on. Luckily, for him, it was not that bad. He says that he had a headache, tightness in his chest, and he lost his sense of taste and smell for a while.

Why did he come out today? He wants people who had COVID-19 to be convalescent plasma donors like him and Tom Hanks. Their plasma can help save someone’s life who has the virus.

I am a platelet donor and give every two weeks. Every time I have gone in, someone else has donated convalescent plasma. It takes more time than giving blood, but less time than giving platelets. An hour a month gives someone decades of life. Please, consider doing it if you have had it.

If you have not had it, please give blood, platelets, and plasma. The Red Cross always needs it. You will feel good after you do it.


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