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It’s a good thing that Brad Pitt is pretty!
January 5th, 2015 under Brangelina, David Oyelowo. [ Comments: none ]
We know that Brad Pitt can act, and now sadly we are finding out that he can’t sing. On Saturday night at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, Mr Angelina Jolie sang the name of star from the movie he produced, Selma. You see, David Oyelowo’s last name is hard to pronounce. So Benjamin Button decided to put it to song and now we all know how to say it.
Even though his singing voice might not have won us over, his creativity to teach us how to say David Oh-yellow-oh was. Therefore making us suffer through his voice, worth it.


Angelina Jolie got the Chickenpox
December 12th, 2014 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Angelina Jolie has pulled out of doing press for Unbroken because she has Chickenpox. Something that was hard for her to do because she loves this movie so much.
Personally, I don’t get why the mother of six who also tours the world, never got the vaccine. I don’t have any kids and barely travel like she does and I got it.
If I didn’t get the shot and one of my kids was the one who gave it to me, I always said I would put that child up for adoption. So I wonder which one of her bunch gave it to her? Unlike me, I am sure she won’t get rid of the offender. To be honest, I wouldn’t dump that kid at the firehouse, I just joked that I would.
BTW I wonder if she is hoping she gave it to Amy Pascal yesterday when the two ladies had an awkward encounter after the leaked Sony emails.


Zach Galifianakis calls Brad Pitt a sh!tty actor to his face!
October 23rd, 2014 under Brangelina, Zach Galifianakis. [ Comments: 1 ]
Brad Pitt was on Funny or Die‘s Between Two Ferns and Zach Galifianakis was tough on the actor who normally gets it so easy. The Hangover star made Benjamin Buttons feel like he had a hangover when he played the Friends theme for him. And that was just one of the many times he put the Inglourious Basterd in his place.
So did Tyler Durden learn anything from Fight Club? Yes, and you just have to see what!


Brad Pitt can breakdance!
October 16th, 2014 under Brangelina, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

We know Brad Pitt can act, but did you know he could breakdance too? He can! Yesterday on The Tonight Show, we found out he got moves that are so bitchin’, he could be in Breakin’ 3 with no prep work. In fact, Jimmy Fallon wasn’t that bad either and he could star along side him. Then there can be a rap battle in it with Justin Timberlake. How fresh would that be? Let’s make that happen.


That’s Dame Angelina Jolie to you!
October 10th, 2014 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina, British Royals. [ Comments: none ]

Dame Angelina Jolie was awarded the Insignia of an Honorary Dame Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George by Queen Elizabeth today. She was given the honor for her work against rape in war zones and services to UK foreign policy.
According to Daily Mail, her husband Brad Pitt and their six kids were also there but were not photographed.
Who would’ve thought that the woman who kissed kissed her brother at the Oscars and wore her then husband’s blood around her neck would be given such an honor by the Queen of England, but she was. You know what, she deserves it. She uses her position for good and say what you want about her, but that is extremely honorable. You have to respect her for the positive work that she does. Just like Her Royal Majesty did by making her a Dame.


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