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Angelina Jolie injured on the set of Salt
May 31st, 2009 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

(Photo from Splash News Online)

Angelina Jolie was injured today doing a stunt on the set of Salt according to Us Weekly. Angelina bumped her head and suffered a nick between eyes that started to bleed, so they took her to the hospital.
Here is the statement from the studio:

“This morning, while filming an action sequence during production of her new movie Salt, Angelina Jolie sustained a minor injury. As a precautionary measure, Ms. Jolie will be taken to the hospital and examined. Production on the film has resumed.”

Leave it to the super mother of 6, to be taken to hospital for an injury and then go back to work as soon as she was released! This is just another reason why I respect her so much!
Hopefully the injury won’t leave a scar.


Angelina Jolie has her cake and eats it too
May 24th, 2009 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: 7 ]

Splash News Online
I think we can put any doubts about Angelina Jolie not eating to rest after seeing her eat a piece of birthday cake for Salt director Simon West.
I love how she kept the handcuff on while she chowed down on that yummy chocolate cake. And I think after she is done filming Salt, she get her hair done like the wig she is wearing because that style looks really good on her.


The glorious Inglourious Basterds trailer!!!
May 22nd, 2009 under Brangelina, Eli Roth. [ Comments: 1 ]

This week Inglourious Basterds premiered to a long standing ovation and critical acclaim; and today we are finally seeing the first full trailer from the WWII movie!
Now that I have seen the trailer and we get more an insight what we can see from Quentin Tarantino’s epic, I am even more excited to see it when it comes out on August 21st!! Seriously how amazing does that movie look and what about the acting done by Brad Pitt, Eli Roth and Daniel Bruhl!


The Inglourious Basterds storm Cannes!!!
May 20th, 2009 under Brangelina, Eli Roth, Quentin Tarantino. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photos from WireImage)

Today was Inglourious Basterds day at Cannes and the movie was a huge success there! Critics loving the movie and after the premiere screening the movie got a 10 minute standing ovation.
The day stared off with a press screening and the critics were praising Quentin Taratino’s WWII movie that will change history. Then after that the cast and QT took part in a press conference where Brad Pitt told how he became Lt Aldo Raine. He said, QT came over and when he woke up the next day there 5 empty bottles of wine and a smoking apparatus, next thing he knew he was in Germany filming IB. Dang who knew Brad was such a cheap, even I can down 5 bottles of wine and still say no…I think. Eli Roth made this comment about playing his role, “Being Jewish, this is definitely for me like Kosher porn,” Roth joked. “It’s something I fantasized about since I was a very young child.” BTW how adorable is that Miami Vice Bromance between Brad and Eli?
Next up for the Basterds was the premiere and after that screening the movie got a 10 minute standing ovation! I think that says a lot! Finally those Basterds put down their weapons and lifted their glasses to celebrate a day that went extremely well!!!
I can’t wait to see this Kosher Porn of a movie when it comes out on August 21st!!!

BTW here is video from the press conference where Brad tells the cheap date story, and also includes other cast members Diane Kruger, Mike Myers and the hottie Daniel Bruhl!!!

UPDATE: Here is the video of QT dancing with Melanie Laurent dancing on the red carpet.

via QT Archives


Those are some big Basterds
May 12th, 2009 under Brangelina, Eli Roth, Quentin Tarantino. [ Comments: 1 ]

Cannes is under way and The Carlton Hotel is welcoming the movies that are playing at the festival and the stars who are in them! Like Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds’ Brad Pitt and Eli Roth, The Transformer from Transformers, A Christmas Carol, GI Joe and Terminator Salvation to name a few. I wish the hotels in LA would do that because that looks so awesome! I mean I seriously so want to see a huge Brad and Eli like that!!! How awesome do those Basterds look, including Diane Kruger, Melanie Laurent and Til Schweiger!!!
BTW am I the only one who when they saw where they placed the GI Joe poster thought of the famous scene from Patch Adams?


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