Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Brangelina
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Half of the Brangelina Clan
December 30th, 2009 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Angelina Jolie is in NYC filming additional scenes for Salt and Brad Pitt brought their oldest daughter, Zahara and Shiloh to see them mom work. Seriously how awwwwdorable and loving does their family look even when they are all bundled up like that. Angelina Jolie just glows when she is with her kids, look at that smile!
BTW I can’t tell if it is just Brad Pitt’s beard is all scraggly and unkempt or if icicles have actually formed on it. I really hope and pray he shaves that thing off for awards season, but since he wasn’t nominated and only Inglourious Basterds (except for a SAG ensemble nom) was I wonder if Brangelina will be doing the red carpets at all???


Is this how these celebs will look in 2020?
December 30th, 2009 under Brangelina, Britney Spears, Madonna, The Beckhams. [ Comments: 1 ]

Daily Mail posted these touched up pictures of what Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Victoria Beckham, Madonna and Britney Spears might look like in the year 2020. Although they are fun to look at, I am not sure that is really how they are going to look. And not just because of plastic surgery and botox, I think some of them might have better ageing genes than what was dramatized in those pictures. I can’t see Madonna or Britney letting themselves go like that or Angelina really looking that in 10 years. Now when it comes to Posh Spice and Brad Pitt, I think that is how their faces might look, but I don’t see Brad as a completely silver fox at 56. Do you think that is how some of our favorites from 2010 will look in 2020?
BTW Daily Mail has few more of today’s star aged 10 years on their site if you want to check them out.


Is Angelina Jolie wearing Brad Pitt’s beard as a hat?
December 28th, 2009 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Pacific Coast News
Angelina Jolie is filming some more scenes for her summer movie Salt and she was wearing a grey and black fur hat. As soon as I saw the hat, I thought did she finally get Brad Pitt to shave that thing off of his face and turn it into a hat. It kind of looks the same as his beard, a black and grey furry mess…except it is missing the beads.
It wouldn’t be the first time she wore something from her lover’s body, afterall she did wear Billy Bob Thornton’s blood as a necklace.
BTW in all seriousness when it comes to Brad Pitt’s beard when is he going to shave that thing off. I have secretly been boycotting pictures of him until he does because it is so nasty. I am sure he is upset about that…not.


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s date night
November 15th, 2009 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: 3 ]

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie actually had a date night without their 6 kids and they weren’t going to a premiere of one of their movies. The two of them went to MOCA 30th Anniversay Gala, but the only piece of art I can look at is Brad Pitt’s beard. That thing gets scarier and scarier by the day. Doesn’t Angelina Jolie still have one her knives left, so she can hack that thing off of his face?


Like rubbing Salt in a wound
November 4th, 2009 under Brangelina. [ Comments: 2 ]

The trailer for Angelina Jolie’s next film Salt was finally released and I can’t say it made me want to see the movie. It is pretty much her running around doing stunts, but I didn’t much a story there that made me go wow this looks good.
BTW I wonder if they had all the running in the trailer because Tom Cruise was originally suppose to play the role before he dropped out and Angelina jumped in for him?


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