Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Billy Idol
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Remember Billy Idol?
June 22nd, 2009 under Billy Idol, Remember?. [ Comments: 1 ]

Can you believe that Billy Idol is 53 years old? The Rebel Yeller looks good for his age even if he can't do his infamous lip curl like he used to.

Remember Billy Idol?
June 3rd, 2008 under Billy Idol, Remember?. [ Comments: none ]

Is it just me or does Billy Idol look more like Simon LeBon (no offense Simon) than himself? Without the spikes and the gnarl, I hardly recognize him. Hopefully he still sounds as good as he did when he was in his prime, something we will find out when he performs on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on June 24th. The same night Regis Philbin is also going to be a guest on the show. That is definitely going to be an interesting JKL!.  I am going to try my hardest to go to because I am sure there is going to be a lot to talk about the next day!!!

A Winter Wonderland with Billy Idol
December 8th, 2006 under Billy Idol, Christmas Music. [ Comments: none ]

Winter Wonderland

Billy Idol’s MySpace
I have to admit I just love his sugary sweet Christmas videos! I don’t know why, but there is just something about them. Maybe there is a brainwashing effect to them and I am brainwashed? Either way, they are just happy! Tis the season to be happy!!!


Watch Billy Idol sweeten up the Holidays!
November 22nd, 2006 under Billy Idol, Christmas Music. [ Comments: none ]

Jingle Bell Rock

White Christmas

Happy Holiday

Billy Idol’s MySpace
Who replaced Billy Idol with that Stepford bot? I mean it is one thing when you see Clay Aiken do it, but to see Billy Idol do it is just wrong and weird. I mean he sounds great and I want to buy Happy Holidays, but it just freaks me out.
At least he still does that thing with his lip!!!


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