Mayim Bialik or Medusa? |
May 9th, 2016 under Bad Hair, Mayim Bialik. [ Comments: none ]

Mayim Bialik enjoys sharing photos of her Bedhead with Wil Wheaton, and today’s looks a lot more like a mythological character. Doesn’t she remind you more of the Greek monster Medusa than herself? Her hair is like locks of snakes rather than her actual hair.
That might be how she wakes up, but it is going to be hard for me to go to sleep tonight after seeing this picture.
Who knew The Last Man on Earth’s half shaved beard was catching on? |
April 26th, 2016 under Bad Hair, Fox, Will Forte. [ Comments: 1 ]

When we saw Will Forte with the right side of his face completely shaved off for The Last Man on Earth, we never thought anyone else would do that to themselves. We were wrong.
When Kevin Gibson was arrested in Miami last week, he was sporting the same beard in his mugshot that was posted by WKMG. I guess he is a really big fan of the Fox sitcom or he lost a bet to someone who is. Either way let’s hope this is the last time we see this hairdon’t because it is one of the ugliest looks ever and that says a lot. But it is sure is funny how long they have been keeping the joke running on the show!
Is this the worst haircut? |
February 22nd, 2016 under Bad Hair. [ Comments: 7 ]
BarberShapp – STYLISH CUT | Facebook
Barber Shapp posted a video of the above haircut and asked, “Quirky, Stylish and Smooth? Is this a new trend in the making?” The only trend it is starting is people all agreeing that they hate it.
That poor woman had gorgeous long straight blonde hair, and now she is going to have to shave her head because no one is going to want to walk around with that hairstyle. Would you?
Will Forte only shaved the right half of his face and head! |
January 16th, 2016 under Bad Hair, Saturday Night Live, Will Forte. [ Comments: 1 ]

via Seth Meyers
Will Forte’s Fox sitcom Last Man on Earth should really be called Last Scruffy Man on Earth, but that has all changed. The former-SNLer shaved off a half of that scruff. As in the right side of his hair and beard along with his right eyebrow. Why did he do it? He didn’t say, but you have to wonder if it is for a role? Or maybe that is his way of saying that his show will not be back for a third season, so he is cleansing himself of Phil Miller? But then again his hair grows really fast, so he could be back to his hairy self to film the next episode.
BTW put your hand over half of his face to see how different he looks with hair and without it. Crazy, right?
How Mandel or The Mary Tyler Moore’s Murray Slaughter? |
July 9th, 2015 under Bad Hair. [ Comments: none ]

via Linda Zirkus
Howie Mandel used to have a full head of curls, but for the longest time he has been completely bald. Yesterday, he posted a picture of himself with the Captain Stubing, but dressed more like Gavin MacLeod’s character on The Mary Tyler Moore Show.
Why is donning the look? He is going to guest star on HBO’s show 7 Days in Hell. Kind of what he looks like he has been through with that hairstyle.
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