Brendan Fraser’s hair scares me |
December 16th, 2008 under Bad Hair. [ Comments: 3 ]
Actually it isn’t only his hair that scares me, it is the whole package. I once got my friend George of the Jungle as a kind of p0rn video because she liked the way he looked in it, I hope she doesn't read my blog today because she might never be able to watch the movie in the same way again.
What is up with Tamyra Gray’s hair? |
February 11th, 2008 under Bad Hair, Spice Girls. [ Comments: 1 ]
Tamyra Gray looks like she stuck her finger in an electrical socket to get that look.
What is up with Ed Begley Jr’s hair? |
February 5th, 2008 under Bad Hair. [ Comments: 1 ]
Seriously why is Ed Begley's hair standing up like that? His hair is seriously mystifying me, can someone please explain it to me?
Jodie Foster needs a brush ASAP |
December 3rd, 2007 under Bad Hair, Jodie Foster. [ Comments: 2 ]
Jodie Foster needs a brush and better foundation ASAP boy she looks like crap from the neck up in those pictures.
What did Katie Holmes do to her hair now? |
November 29th, 2007 under Bad Hair, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: 2 ]
Those thick bangs with the chin length hair maks her look more like Tom Cruise sister than his wife. Seriously what was she thinking when she asked them to darken her hair and give her thick bangs like, that she wanted the same look as Suri. She needs to stop letting Tom decide how she should get her hair cut because every time Katie Holmes gets a new look it adds 10 years to her appearance and not in a good way.
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