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Is Renee Taylor really 92?
March 20th, 2025 under Are they really their age?. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday was Renee Taylor’s 92nd birthday. However, she does not look her age. In fact, she doesn’t look like she has aged a day since she was on The Nanny in the ’90s.

Unlike most celebrities who never seem to age, I know her secret. It is laughing, lots and lots of laughing! It keeps you young no matter how old you get.


Is Jean-Claude Van Damme really 64?
March 17th, 2025 under Are they really their age?, Jean-Claude Van Damme. [ Comments: none ]

Jean-Claude Van Damme tested and approved celio jeans by doing one of his infamous splits. However, he did not do it on the ground or in space. Instead, he did it with one leg on the floor and the other one touching the ceiling.

Because of that, I cannot believe that he is 64. Men a third his age could not do it. I tried to do it, and my doctor told me I am an idiot and deserved the sprain. She is not wrong, but it still hurts. Not as much as falling during my failed attempt. Who knew Van Damme was a verb? But I made it one as I hit the floor.


Is Chuck Norris really 85?
March 10th, 2025 under Are they really their age?, Chuck Norris. [ Comments: none ]

Today is Chuck Norris’ 85th birthday, and I bet you the action star could still kick almost everyone’s ass! And still look great doing it.

“It’s my 85th birthday today, and what better way to celebrate it than with a wonderful time here in Kauai?” he added. “As I look back on my life, I’m so incredibly grateful for the remarkable adventures and wonderful people I’ve met along the way. Time may move quickly, but the moments we create together last a lifetime. Here’s to the journey ahead.”

And may he have many more journeys and moments ahead of him!


Is Daryl Hannah really 64?
March 2nd, 2025 under Are they really their age?. [ Comments: none ]

Disney/Frank Micelotta

Daryl Hannah was a surprise presenter at tonight’s Oscars, and the actress looks phenomenal.

The 64-year-old looks better now than when she starred in Splash and Crazy People in the ’80s. Not that she wasn’t gorgeous back then. But she is aging beautifully. That is why I can’t believe that she will be a senior citizen by the end of the year.

Someone needs to give her a movie as soon as possible because we need her back on the big screen.


Is Linda Evans really 82 years old?
February 14th, 2025 under Are they really their age?, Dynasty. [ Comments: none ]

Today is Valentine’s Day, and Linda Evans wanted us to know that she loves us. And we love her.

Although, I am jealous that the 82-year-old doesn’t look like she has aged a day since 1982.

I need to know what the Dynasty star’s secret is! I am willing to do whatever she is doing. That is, unless it requires me to live in a cold climate. The Fountain of Youth needs to be warm for me!

Back to the beautiful actress, doesn’t she look phenomenal?


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