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Today’s secret words are…Pee Wee Herman is back!
March 19th, 2015 under Apatow Productions, Pee Wee Herman. [ Comments: none ]

Pee Wee Herman is back and he’s filming a movie with Judd Apatow. Pee Wee’s Big Holiday will stream on Netflix, but when we don’t know. Until then, we can just love this photo of him taking a break with the director while filming it.
BTW can you believe he ended the popular kids show almost a quarter of a century because he doesn’t look like he aged a day in those 25 years!


Judd Apatow’s daughter is not a fan!
January 23rd, 2015 under Apatow Productions. [ Comments: none ]
Judd Apatow is filling in as host of The Late Late Show this week and he tested some of his material on his daughter. To say she is not a fan would be an understatement.
When the director explained to the 12 year old, that they are having people that aren’t that good at hosting fill in before James Corden takes over, she told her dad, ” They made a good decision choosing you.”
Iris wanted to know who he was having as a sidekick, and he said no one. Then she said, “You know what they should do? They should have you be the sidekick and get someone funny to be the talk show host.”
And with this short bit, I think we just learned who is the funniest one in that family. Iris has a huge career ahead of her. That is, if she does films other than her father’s.


That’s how Seth Rogen keeps his slender figure?
December 16th, 2014 under Apatow Productions, James Franco, Seth Rogen. [ Comments: none ]

James Franco Tweeted a picture of himself and North Korea’s other Most Wanted Man and now we know the secret to Seth Rogen’s shapely legs. He wears stockings. It takes a real man to reveal his hidden fashion accessory, and then there is Seth Rogen.


James Franco and Seth Rogen have a closer Bound after this!
November 25th, 2013 under Apatow Productions, James Franco, Kanye West, Seth Rogen. [ Comments: none ]

James Franco and Seth Roger got bored while making their movie The Interview, so they decided to recreate Kanye West’s awful video Bound 2. I don’t know what sense of mine suffered more by watching that, my ears for hearing Kim Kardashian’s baby daddy’s song or my eyes for seeing Seth’s hairy back. All I know is that both of them will never ever be the same. Just like Franco and Rogen’s firendship because they did things that only friends with benefits do.
I have to admit that is that funniest thing that both actors ever did, so it was kind of worth suffering through. As much as I suffered for it, I am sure they will suffer even more when Kanye finds out about this because he has no sense of humor and will not find this funny. I wonder who the rapper will hashtag his apologies to when he goes off on them in whichever form of media he chooses to so.
BTW below is the side by side of both videos and they really did do a good job of copying the sh!tty music video.


BTWF stand-up: Judd Apatow on Evening at the Improv
February 11th, 2013 under Apatow Productions, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Judd Apatow wrote a movie about comedians called Funny People, he actually was a comedian himself appearing on Evening at the Improv. How funny was he when he was 23 years old in that 1991 episode.


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