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Who is the biggest bitch at Andy Cohen’s baby shower?
January 26th, 2019 under Andy Cohen, John Mayer. [ Comments: none ]

Andy Cohen had his baby shower for his future son today, and few women came to celebrate with him. Actually, every Real Housewife showed up to party.

I am sure this is the before photo because I am sure food, drinks and hair extensions were flung at each other. I mean you cannot have that many bitches in one room and not expect at least one cat fight. Therefore, to answer my question of who is the biggest B? Easily that goes to John Mayer. Why? Because!

One more question, is this photo a plastic surgeon’s dream or nightmare?


Andy Cohen says guests cancel on his show ‘all the time’
January 22nd, 2019 under Andy Cohen, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Jimmy Kimmel was a guest on Watch What Happens Live yesterday and Andy Cohen wanted to know what things annoy him if guests do it.

For example, the first thing he wanted to know is if it ruins his whole day if a guest cancels on him last minute. Kimmel said it rarely happens. Then Cohen said it happens to him “all the time.” Which makes you wonder why? And it also explains why he has the Real Housewives on so much. They are last minute fillers when somebody cancels last minute. Kind of like Adam Corolla is Kimmel’s go-to guy.


Caption Chrissy Teigen, John Legend and Andy Cohen
January 17th, 2019 under Andy Cohen, Caption the Celeb, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend. [ Comments: none ]

This photo of Chrissy Teigen, John Legend and Andy Cohen has caption me written all over it, so go ahead and do it.


Is Porsha Williams Andy Cohen’s baby mama?
January 14th, 2019 under Andy Cohen. [ Comments: none ]

A very pregnant Porsha Williams was on What What Happens Live yesterday and a caller wanted to know if the rumor is true that she is pregnant with Andy Cohen’s baby. The look of utter shock on both of their faces answered the question without them saying a word.

Although it is not that strange of a question since both of their upcoming baby announcements came as a complete surprise. That and they are due around the same time. Granted, she is having a girl and he is having a boy, so it makes the scenario unlikely. Unless one of their gender reveals is a lie?

We will find out in about two months if her baby comes out looking like her boss.

All of this would make for a great episode of Real Housewives.


Marie Osmond dated Erik Estrada
January 9th, 2019 under Andy Cohen, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Saved by the Bell/City Guys, The Osmonds. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the ’70s, the paparazzi didn’t follow celebrities around like they do today. Therefore, famous people could date and we would not even know about it.

Case in point, Andy Cohen asked Marie Osmond if it is true that she dated Erik Estrada when she was on Watch What Happens Live yesterday. The singer told him, “I dated a lot of people.” Then she added, “We just never talked about it.”

Now I want to know who else she dated. Actually, I don’t want to know, I need to know. I wonder if she kissed anyone from Kiss? Did she tell anyone from KC and the Sunshine Band that’s the way, uh huh, uh huh, I like it? Did she ever choose between Starsky and Hutch? Or model Daisy Dukes for one of the Duke brothers? Was she the Bandit to Burt Reynolds’ Smokey? Made Wookie to Chewbacca? The possibilities are endless. And I could go on, but I will Kool it. Unless she dated one of the guys from that Gang…

Now let’s talk about the CHiPs star. Could you imagine if they got married and had kids? That baby would have the best smile just like their parents! Those two mouths would create the perfect one.

We also learned something else in this short clip, but it was not about Marie. Did you know that Mark-Paul Gosselaar has not spoken to Dustin Diamond since 1994? I guess we it will take a miracle to see Screech and Zach together again


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