Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Anderson Cooper
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Is this what Anderson Cooper’s face looked like when he saw Kathy Griffin naked?
April 25th, 2013 under Anderson Cooper, Kathy Griffin. [ Comments: none ]

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Kathy Griffin was a guest on Anderson Cooper’s talk show and the two of them played Truth and Dare. Anderson either had to hold a tarantula for :15 seconds or drink pickle juice, so he choose to take on the 8 legged bug. His face when he was holding the spider was so freaking priceless, that I just had to share it with you.
You know I am so evil that if I were the trainer, I would’ve left the tarantula in his hands for a little bit longer!
BTW I love that Anderson is not afraid to go into war zones or the eye of a category 5 hurricane, but he is terrified of a spider or drinking pickle juice. I would rather do the later, but that is me.


Anderson Cooper had a zipper related injury
April 24th, 2013 under Anderson Cooper. [ Comments: none ]

Anderson Cooper is very open about his personal life on Anderson Live, and today he talked about a closing problem he once had. When he was 8 years old, he went to the bathroom at a bookstore and accidentally zipped his bookmark in his pants. To make matters worse, he stuttered back then and his dad didn’t understand what he was saying.
Well if you don’t want pull an Anderson, his guest said to rub a candle on the zipper and it will prevent you from accidentally zipping up your pen!s. But then again as the silver fox pointed out that will lead people to think that white wax is something else. Which pain can you handle more, the physical pain of zipping up your candle or the emotional of pain of people thinking you just waxed your candle in the bathroom? Tough call for you boys!
BTW did you think she was going to do something different with the candle and the zipper when she took them out for a demonstration?


Anderson Cooper gets Flowbeed
March 26th, 2013 under Anderson Cooper. [ Comments: none ]

Anderson Cooper has learned about a lot of things on his talk show and now he’s been educated about a little thing called Flowbee. For some reason he missed out on one of the first big infomercial items and now he is getting to see the haircut on a vacuum cleaner in action. In fact he was even willing to try it out on himself, but it didn’t work out because his hair was too short for that setting. Once he was done he gave it to that co-host and she said she could use it to wax herself down there. After she grossed out the CNN host she tried to shave his chest with it. He was so scared that if he could’ve gotten out of his chair he would’ve. He’s probably going to have nightmares all night about the Flowbee trying to kill him or even scarier shaving off all of his hair.
BTW who knew that they still made Flowbess or that anyone actually used one.


Snooki wants Anderson Cooper to drink her breast milk
March 20th, 2013 under Anderson Cooper, Snooki, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: none ]

Snooki was a guest on Anderson Cooper’s show yesterday and she brought out some of her breast milk in a glass for him to try. The host of Anderson Live will travel the world and risk his life to get the story, but he draws the line when it comes to drinking anything that comes out of a woman.


Are the goats planning a takeover???
January 26th, 2013 under Anderson Cooper. [ Comments: none ]

Earlier this week WWSB‘s Linda Carter was reporting about goats at a local county fair in Sarasota and one of them knocked her over. The video became an instant sensation all over the interewebs and yesterday Anderson Cooper did a whole RidicuList asking if goats are taking over the world with that clip and a few others. I never knew until that news report just how scary they were and now I won’t be able to sleep tonight. I just hope Syfy wasn’t watching Anderson Cooper 360 yesterday because if they were I foresee a movie about killer goats coming our way one of these Saturday night.


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