Tom Jones is joining The Voice over in The UK and he only had one request before he agreed to do the show. He believes that in order to be sitting up there finding the next singing sensation that he his co-mentors should all be singers who have worked professionally as one. According to the Press Association he said, “I watched other talent shows and I thought: Now hang on a minute. How can this person, not mentioning any names, but how can he or she give singers advice if they’ve never gone through it themselves?” He added, “I think you have to have stood up on that stage and gone for auditions, and be able to take the: You were great but no thank you. You have to be able to take that. And you have to have experienced that to be able to do it.”
Although he is not naming names, It’s Not Unusual to assume he is talking about Simon Cowell. But I guess he will be saying What’s New Pussycat when he finds out the King of Mean sang a song in the late ’80s called Ruff Mixx dressed up as a dog when he was younger. So I guess you can say he is qualified to do it, now when it comes to LA Reid that is another story.
So remember on Sunday all that controversy that Jennifer Lopez might have had a nip slip at the Oscars? Well yesterday during American Idol Steven Tyler decided to make fun of her about it. Gotta say I fell in love with the Aerosmith singer a little bit more for doing that. It was such a perfect jabbed at her.
American Idol has really been slipping in the ratings this season, so much so that The Big Bang Theory actually beat the reality competition yesterday. So how will Fox get the younger viewers to tune in and watch it once again? They will have Steven Tyler strip down to his skivvies, moon the camera and jump into the pool. Yeah that is what every 18 year old wants to see, a man old enough to be their grandfather get naked.
On a positive note, I would rather have it be the 63 year old singer from Aerosmith skinny dipping than Randy Jackson. But then again that isn’t saying much.
American Idol is down in the ratings this season, and it is being beaten by scripted shows like NCIS and The Big Bang Theory. So to get the viewers back, the singing competition is changing things up. The show will now be called ncAIs and not everyone is going to survive Hollywood Week. Jimmy Kimmel Live aired the exclusive promo for the show and I have to tell you Fox made the right choice because I will be watching it again.
Ever wonder how Simon Cowell seems to glow like a cheesy picture of Jesus? Well now it looks like we might have found his secret. Daily Mail posted these pictures of the King of Mean with three lights positioned in front of him to give him that glow that makes him look a pregnant woman.
Too bad he can’t find a light that would hide his moobs because those things are so distracting to me.