Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Simon Cowell going through some tough economic times?
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[ # ] Is Simon Cowell going through some tough economic times?
June 28th, 2012 under American Idol 9+, Simon Cowell

Ever since Simon Cowell left American Idol to do The X Factor things don’t seem to be as good for him and his shows. Plus the rumor is that he paid Britney Spears a lot of money to be on the Fox singing competition show. Up until now I never thought he would be hurting financially because he made a lot of money off his in front of and behind the camera work. But then today he Tweeted a picture of him riding a scooter and I have to wonder if the man that loves to drive very expensive cars is finally feeling what the rest of us are going through with this crappy economy? Nope he said this with the picture from the Providence auditions, “No car showed up for me today….” While I did get some satisfaction that he had to find his own way to get to work, I enjoyed my theory more.


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