Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Alec Baldwin
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A mini-Prelude to a Kiss reunion
November 19th, 2010 under Alec Baldwin, Meg Ryan. [ Comments: none ]

Alec Baldwin and Meg Ryan were reunited at the American Museum Of Natural History’s 2010 Museum Gala and the two Prelude to a Kiss actors look like their friendship is anything but history. I love how excited the 52 year old actor and 49 year old actress are so excited to see each other. Maybe we will get a sequel in the very near future!!!


Look it is all four of The Baldwin Brother!
November 14th, 2010 under Alec Baldwin. [ Comments: none ]

All four of the Baldwin Brothers got together U.S. Launch Event For New Lotus Cars and we get to see all them in one place. Now that you have Alec, 52, Daniel, 50, Billy, 47 and Stephen, 44 in one place, can you tell which one is which? I think I can but I am not 100% sure which one is the cute one, the famous one, the forgettable one and the crazy one.


Alec Baldwin and his #1 Juror Demi Moore!
November 14th, 2010 under Alec Baldwin, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore. [ Comments: none ]

Alec Baldwin was reunited with his The Juror co-star Demi Moore at the U.S. Launch Event For New Lotus Cars and looks like she got a rise out of him! I know that the 48 year old actress is happily married, but doesn’t she make a cute couple with the 52 year old actor. Even though it was about 15 years ago they made their movie together, it looks like they could play lovers today.


Alec Baldwin hospitalized
February 11th, 2010 under Alec Baldwin. [ Comments: none ]

Alec Baldwin was hospitalized and quickly released due a misunderstanding according to his rep. WNBC reports that his daughter, Ireland called 911 when she couldn’t rouse her dad. They added when the medics got there, he agreed to go to the hospital where he was examined and released in about an hour. His rep told the NY affil, “This was a misunderstanding on one person’s part,” spokesman Matthew Hiltzik said on Baldwin’s behalf. “Alec was quickly released from the hospital, he’s completely fine and will be at work today.” Notice his publicist only said today, I wonder if his brief hospitalization will effect his Oscar hosting duties on March 7th?
While WNBC reported that the hospitalization was because Ireland couldn’t wake her dad, AP is reporting this, “The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the person wasn’t authorized to speak publicly. The official said Baldwin and his young daughter had argued and she told 911 he had threatened to take pills.” Alec and his daughter are no strangers to confrontations, but for now we should consider the AP report just a rumor.


Help Feed The Baldwins!!!
July 23rd, 2009 under Alec Baldwin, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday it was announced that Stephen Baldwin filed bankruptcy and Jimmy Kimmel being the good guy that he is asked Sally Struthers to help with a PSA to Feed The Baldwins. It is a sad state of affairs for the Baldwin Brothers that aren’t named Alec and we really need to try to help them out. We need to save them from doing shows like I’m a Celebrity when the really aren’t, and from straight-to-DVD movies when Alec is getting Emmys. Even Alec’s show is king of in jeopardy because it is not launching with all the other NBC shows in the fall. So sad that PSA just broke my heart, those poor (no pun to Stephen) Baldwin Brothers.


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