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Ireland Baldwin thinks of her stepmom as a sister!
September 6th, 2012 under Alec Baldwin. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Fame Flynet)

Alec Baldwin’s daughter Ireland spoke with Page Six Magazine and she opened up about her dad. The 16 year old also talked about her new stepmom that is only 12 years older than her. She said, “And Hilaria and I are really close. She’s like a big sister to me, but I feel like I haven’t spent enough time with her yet. We have a lot more to learn about each other and we have a lot more experiences to have together. We joke around and I call her ‘Mom.’ But I respect her, it’s not like I’m Parent Trap-ping her, setting up booby traps in her room.” Which makes sense considering she is closer to Hilaria’s age than her dad is.
Now back to her dad, who can forget that infamous voicemail he left for her when she was just 11 years old. She said, “The only problem with that voicemail was that people made it out to be a way bigger deal than it was. He’s said stuff like that before just because he’s frustrated. For me it was like, ‘OK, whatever.’ I called him back, I was like, ‘Sorry, Dad, I didn’t have my phone.’ That was it.” She added that the 30 Rock star and her were thinking of making a YouTube video of her yelling at him as a fun joke, but have yet to do it.
The high school senior also admitted she wants to become a child psychologist. She said she has seen so many because the courts ruled that she should. She said some were good, but most of them were not. Because of her experience she knows she can do better.
For someone who had the upbringing she had, she comes off as pretty sane in this interview. Maybe some day I will send my children to her because they will need all the help they can get.


Doesn’t it look like Alec Baldwin is wearing a toupee?
August 28th, 2012 under Alec Baldwin. [ Comments: 1 ]
Alec Baldwin has a new wife and looks like he has a new hair color to go with it. The brunette part appears to have been lightened by the sun while the sides remain grey. Because of the two-tones, doesn’t it look like he is wearing toupee?


Alec Baldwin has legs for ages
June 20th, 2012 under Alec Baldwin, David Letterman. [ Comments: none ]

Alec Baldwin was The Late Show and he decided to drop trow. I don’t know why he decided to show David Letterman his legs, but I am glad he did because he has some sexy gams. I just wish he took a weed wacker to the them and gave them a much need trim.

UPDATE: Here is the video of Alec Baldwin dropping his pants and then getting David Letterman to do the same.


Rock of Ages is a movie for the ages
June 16th, 2012 under Alec Baldwin, Movies, Russell Brand, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Rock of Ages is out in theaters now, so you better get your ’80s and run out to see this rockin’ movie now.
Now I have to admit when I heard that Adam Shankman was directing this movie, I didn’t want to see it because I got so sick of him on So You Think You Can Dance. Then when I heard that Tom Cruise was going to play Stacee Jaxx, I said no way you could get me to the musical because I hated him The Firm, Born on the Fourth of July and Vanilla Sky thus swearing off of his movies. But I put my hatred aside and boy I am glad I did it because I freaking loved this film. In fact I will go on record and say that Cruise was born to play this role. I would be surprised if he didn’t get an Oscar nom for playing the troublesome rocker legend because he is just that amazing in it.
But he is only one of part of the movie and the rest of the cast also does an extraordinary job bringing hair metal to the big screen. Sherrie Christian (Julianne Hough) is moving from Tulsa, OK to Hollywood to make it as a singer. On her first day there, she is mugged and Drew Boley (Diego Boneta) helps her, and it is love at first sight for both of them. Seeing that everything she has is gone, he tells her he get could her job at the bar he works at. The Bourbon Room is owned by Dennis Dupree (Alec Baldwin) who doesn’t want to hire another singer wannabe, but his right-hand man, Lonny Barnett (Russell Brand) convinces him to employee her since they are down a worker and they have a big show the next night. The biggest rock star of 1987 Stacee Jaxx is playing his last gig with Arsenal there before he goes solo. Only thing he is very temperamental and no one knows if he will actually do it. Even his manager (Paul Giamatti) doubts he can get his star there on time and he needs to because he scheduled a huge interview with Rolling Stone. Constance Sack (Malin Ackerman) is the unfortunate reporter who will have to interview the man who keeps all of his words for his music and he will make their interview very difficult. Dupree’s problem isn’t only if Stacee Jaxx will be there, but he also has the Mayor’s uptight wife (Catherine Zeta-Jones) protesting the concert and she wants to shut the club down. Her goal isn’t that hard to do because Dupree desperately needs the money from Jaxx’s show to keep the club open. So now you know the first act of this movie musical, you have to go to see the film to see how that night changes everything for everyone in the second act.
That and it is so bitchin’ to hear the music of Journey, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Night Ranger, Twisted Sister, Pat Benatar, Foriegner, Poison and many more tell the story of Rock of Ages.
When it comes to the acting Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand are perfect as to the Ying to his Yang, the Laurel to his Hardy and the Richie Sambora to his Jon Bon Jovi. You will love them as much as they love each other. Who knew that Zeta-Jones could play such an uptight bitch with a secret you will never see coming. Ackerman wins you over as the reporter with a tough assignment. And Hough and Boneta nail the part of young lovers who are struggling to make it in Hollywood as they try to make their relationship work. But the biggest star of this film is Stacee Jaxx’s partner Hey Man. Hey Man is a monkey, who steals every scene in movie that perfectly captures the era.
So what are you doing still reading this, why haven’t you gone out to see Rock of Ages already. I promise you will love it so much, you will buy some hairspray after the movie to make your hair just like the musicians in the movie and there is a reason why we don’t our hair like that anymore.


Alec Baldwin leaving 30 Rock?
April 11th, 2012 under Alec Baldwin. [ Comments: none ]

It seems like every year that Alec Baldwin is leaving 30 Rock, and this year is no different.
Yesterday it was a reported that a woman was arrested for stalking the multi-Emmy winner and today he is claiming in that the press is doing the same as she did to him. He Tweeted, “Outside my apt today, along side the other stalkers from the tabloid press, a crew that identified themselves as being with the Today Show.” Then Words with Friends most popular player added, “I haven’t appeared on the Today Show in many years. But did they have to camp outside my apt?” He wasn’t done there because he added, “A story about stalking sure brings out the stalkers in the media. But, the Today Show?” Not only was he angry that what is supposed to be a reputable news outlet was camped outside his place, but he also was mad because as he said, “No one from NBC contacted me until the Today Show arrived at my apt.” He is so mad at the network his show is on that his last Tweet thus far read, “I think I’m leaving NBC just in time.”
So does that mean he thinks he is leaving the show? Or does that mean he is out before NBC completely loses whatever cred they have left? Time will tell, but I have a feeling he will still be on the show when it comes back on the air next season.
If he leaves, he will be yet another big star leaving NBC when the season ends. James Spader was one season and out on The Office and it looks like since Chevy Chase has been doing a Charlie Sheen that Community’s oldest cast member will graduate off the show. Will you miss Jack Donaghy if he leaves Liz Lemon and 30 Rock?


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