Someone once said to me that celebrities have big heads in the literal, not figurative sense. I say it is more of the latter.
Anyways, Tori Spelling has a literal big head. And in this photo, it looks like it got even bigger. Do they have facelifts that literally lift your face? I don’t think so. At least not yet.
So what’s the dealio? It is probably the way they did her hair that in elongating her face.
Do you think it is a good look for her, or should she go back to the way it was?
Before Tori Spelling had the perfect father on Beverly Hills, 90210, her dad was not so perfect on Shooting Stars. How cute is the 9-year-old actress as a brunette in that 1983 telemovie?
Tori Spelling has been a blonde for most of her life, but that doesn’t mean it is her natural hair color. She was actually born a brunette. Therefore, her downstairs doesn’t match her upstairs. One day when she was feeling frisky, she decided to dye her pubic hair to match.
The actress told Snooki on Messyness, which debuts on MTV tonight at 7p, that it did not come out platinum as she hoped. “I didn’t know. I left [the toner] on too long, and it turned bright purple you guys,” the actress proudly shared that TMO. “I was like, screw golden showers. This is going to give Purple Rain a whole new meaning.”
With that confession, I will never listen to or watch Purple Rain the same way ever again. I will just be picturing her purple pubes. That sounds like an X-rated adult comic book that no one wants to color in.
Seriously, would you dye your pubes? I would rather go bald down there.
Tori Spelling has been making comedy videos on social media, and they are more sad than funny. I don’t know what the mom of five was trying to accomplish here, but she made me swear off french fries and chicken nuggets.
If that is what the boys find sexy these days, no wonder I can’t find one.
She needs to stick to what she is good at. Whatever that is? Do you know what it is?