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Ric Ocasek and his mini-Cars!
November 22nd, 2011 under 80s, Paulina Porizkova. [ Comments: none ]

Ric Ocasek and his wife Paulina Porizkova took their two sons the premiere Hugo and I can’t believe how much Jonathan Raven and Oliver Orion look like their dad. I especially love that both boys have the same hairdo as the singer from The Cars. You Might Think I’m Crazy for saying that, but I think I was able to Drive my point home!


Michael J Fox and his mini-me who isn’t so mini!
November 14th, 2011 under 80s, Michael J Fox. [ Comments: none ]

Michael J Fox brought his family out for the A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Cure Parkinson’s event and I can’t get over how much his son Sam looks like his pops. Seriously it is like going Back to the Future and seeing the 22 year as his dad in Family Ties, the show that introduce his father to his mother!
Not only is their son a chip off the old block, how beautiful are their 16 year old twins Aquinnah and Schuyler?


Holly Robinson Peete gets her Gangsta on
October 30th, 2011 under 80s. [ Comments: none ]

Holly Robinson Peete dressed up as Lil Wayne for Halloween and she did such a good job her 21 Jump Street character would totally arrest her. Seriously who else is amazed by how fast she went from the sweet and innocent mom to the gangsta you don’t want to mess with in the blink of an eye.


Everybody Hurts because R.E.M. split.
September 21st, 2011 under 80s, Michael Stipe. [ Comments: none ]

R.E.M. announced today that after 31 years they are splitting, and as most people read/heard the news they thought…wait they are still together?
The former band posted this message on their site:

“To our Fans and Friends: As R.E.M., and as lifelong friends and co-conspirators, we have decided to call it a day as a band. We walk away with a great sense of gratitude, of finality, and of astonishment at all we have accomplished. To anyone who ever felt touched by our music, our deepest thanks for listening.” R.E.M.

Back when I was a kid, I would’ve been curled up in a circle singing Shiny, Happy People with tears streaming down my face trying to put a smile on my face. But today, I could care less because they haven’t released a good album since Automatic for the People in 1992.
BTW is it wrong for me to wonder what Michael Stipe did to cause them to split?


Billy Idol has a huge penis?
September 21st, 2011 under 80s. [ Comments: 2 ]

Billy Idol Tweeted that Mony Mony shot with no comment, so he left it up for us to do so! I re-watched some of his old videos, you know the ones where he wore tight leather pants, and I am not sure he should be reading a book called “How to Live with a Huge Penis”. If any ’80s musician should be reading it, it should be Duran Duran’s Nick Rhodes! And the one ’80s singer who I would call The Police on if I saw him reading that book, can you guess who?
So now back to the man who likes Dancing with himself, do you think he has a huge penis?


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