Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A mini-Mr Belvedere reunion
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[ # ] A mini-Mr Belvedere reunion
April 26th, 2024 under Reunions

Mr. Belvedere was an ’80s classic that teens would tune into every week. We begged our parents to hire us a butler like Mr. Belvedere, and the cheapos refused.

The cast was a big part of our lives, so have you ever wondered what they look like now? You don’t have to wonder anymore because Marsha (Ilene Graff, 75) reunited with her three children: Kevin (Rob Stone, 61), Heather (Tracy Wells, 53), and Wesley (Brice Beckham,48).

They all look fantastic! So much so that I can’t believe their show ended almost 34 years ago. With the series about to celebrate its 40th anniversary next year,
I wish we could get a sequel series with a new butler. I would like totally watch.


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