Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A mini-Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman reunion!
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[ # ] A mini-Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman reunion!
August 20th, 2019 under Jane Seymour, Reunions

Have you ever wondered what would have ever happened to Dr. Quinn and Sully had Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman gone on? Or what the couple would look like in a modern-day world? Well, now we know. Jane Seymour shared this sweet photo with her television lover Joe Lando. You know what, they look amazing together. When did Lando get so hot even with short salt and pepper hair?

Seeing them together, makes me understand why so many people want to bring back their ’90s period drama. Personally, I am surprised that the Hallmark Channel has not already done it. It is the perfect revival for them. I betcha if they did revive the show, then it would be huge for them.

Do you want to see the medical drama rebooted?


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