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Imagine Al Pacino as Han Solo?
November 7th, 2024 under Al Pacino. [ Comments: none ]

We all know Harrison Ford as Han Solo in the Star Wars franchise. However, he was not the first person who was offered that role.

Who was it? Recently, when Lorraine’s Ross King sat down with the acting legend, he asked him if it was true that he turned down the iconic role.

“We don’t want Harrison Ford to hear this,” Scarface said. “Harrison, you are a great actor, and I love you, but I am sorry, I made your career. Let’s face it.” And by facing it, we can all agree that he made Ford’s career!

Pacino then admitted that during that time, he was offered roles because of that one little movie he starred in, The Godfather.

I wonder if Star Wars would have done as well had Pacino sat next to Chewy. I don’t think it would have because Harrison made him so lovable, and Pacino has never done that in a part.


BTWF: Meg Ryan in Rich and Famous
November 7th, 2024 under Before They Were Famous, Meg Ryan. [ Comments: none ]

Before Meg Ryan was rich and famous, she made her film debut in Rich and Famous. How darling was the 18-year-old in that 1981 movie?


Krispy Kreme is celebrating Thanksigving now!
November 7th, 2024 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]

Let’s be honest. The best part of the Thanksgiving meal is the pies. What would make them even better? If they were donuts!

Guess what? This year, that is exactly what Krispy Kreme is doing with four new pienuts!

  • Chocolate Silk Pie Doughnut: an Original Glazed® doughnut dipped in chocolate icing, topped with chocolate buttercreme and chocolate curls.
  • Lemon Creme Pie Doughnut: an unglazed shell doughnut filled with lemon pie filling, dipped in lemon yellow icing and graham crunch, topped with meringue buttercreme dollop.
  • Blueberry Crisp Doughnut: an unglazed shell doughnut with blueberry filling, dipped in blueberry icing and streusel topping.
  • Apple Crumble Doughnut: an unglazed shell doughnut with apple pie filling, topped with pie crust buttercreme and cinnamon cookie crumb topping.

“There’s nothing more meaningful and traditional than spending time around the table with those we love this time of year. Our new Thanksgiving Pies Doughnut Collection was created with that in mind to help bring people together and sweeten the season of sharing joy and gratitude,” said Dave Skena, Global Chief Brand Officer for Krispy Kreme.

The pienuts are available from now until Turkey Day. Which ones are you going to try?


Stop, collaborate, and listen; Vanilla Ice is running for president in 2028
November 7th, 2024 under Vanilla Ice. [ Comments: none ]

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It is not even 48 hours after the election, and Vanilla Ice has thrown his hat into the presidential race.

The singer said that he would make America the ’90s again and he would also add a bunch of holidays to the calendar, like Go Ninja, Go Monday.

Then he had a message I can get behind, “I just want to say, ‘Don’t take everything in life too serious. Shake a hand, make a friend. Democrat, Republican, whatever it is, we are all American. So get out there and enjoy the pursuit of happiness. Don’t ever forget that word, pursuit. Pursue yourself some happiness.'”

And the best part for him is that his slogan is, If there is a problem, you know I’ll solve it.

He totally has my vote. That is unless The Rock also runs. Then, I am in trouble because I knew both of those guys in Miami and would not know who to vote for. Maybe the ticket could be The Rock and  Vanilla Ice or Dwayne Johnson and Rob Van Winkle. Then my decision is easy!


CBS’s Monday lineup will be around all season
November 7th, 2024 under CBS, NCIS, Wayans Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

CBS changed things up this season, and they added Poppa’s House and NCIS: Origins to their Monday night schedule.

Today, the network announced that both shows were picked up for a full season.

“NCIS: ORIGINS has added a brilliant new dimension to the NCIS franchise with an origin story of Leroy Jethro Gibbs and a cinematic ’90s experience that features distinct characters, stories and crime solving. POPPA’S HOUSE excels with the dynamic father/son chemistry between Damon and Damon Jr. and their family-inspired stories that bring this comedy to life. These shows fit seamlessly into our Monday night lineup while resonating with viewers on CBS and Paramount+,” said Amy Reisenbach, president of CBS Entertainment.

If you have not seen Poppa’s House, you should check it out. The Wayans bring a lot of funny to comedy which also has smart humor.

The Monday shows join CBS’s other two shows Matlock and Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage with additional episode orders. Matlock was picked up for a second season, while the Chuck Lorre comedy will be around all of this season.


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