Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2023 » September
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New York City is agreeing with Kelly Clarkson
September 22nd, 2023 under Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: none ]

Kelly Clarkson lived a few blocks from me in LA before moving to NYC, and I was a little bummed about that. However, seeing how happy she looks in my old hometown makes me happy for her.

The singer was on Today this morning, and I couldn’t get over how radiant she looked. Not only that, she looks like she took off a few pounds because she has to walk and subway everywhere now.

Doesn’t she look fantastic?


John J. York says they found a match
September 22nd, 2023 under Sick Bay. [ Comments: none ]

Over the weekend, John J. York announced that he was taking a break from General Hospital because he was diagnosed with two types of cancers, myelodysplastic syndromes, or MDS, and multiple smoldering myeloma in December, and he needs a blood stem cell transplant.

So, the 64-year-old was reaching out to his fans and asked them to see if they could be a match for him on Be The Match.

This morning, he gave an update on the search to Good Morning America, “I believe they found a match, a perfect match.”

Finding a match is “the biggest deal” because his family members were tested, and they were not a match.

Therefore, this person, out of the goodness of their heart, is saving his life. So he wants to say to them, with tears in his eyes, “Thank you for saving my life. For letting me spend more time with my wife, my daughter, my son-in-law, my grandchildren.”

Next week, they will do some testing. If all goes well, they will do the transplant in November.

I will be praying all goes well and he has many more years with his family.


What’s up with Dolly Parton?
September 22nd, 2023 under Dolly Parton. [ Comments: none ]

Have you heard Dolly Parton is a Rockstar now? So, on November 17th, she is going to release her first Rock album.

Since the 77-year-old is making up for lost time, she recorded a lot of covers to fill the tracklist. One of the songs she added her special voice to is 4 Non Blondes’ What’s Up. And to make it even better, she asked Linda Perry to join her.

Out of all of the songs we have heard from Rockstar, this one fits her voice the best. In fact, I think it is so much better than the original.

And now I can’t wait to get her record when it comes. Whoever thought we would bang our heads listening to Dolly, but that is what we are going to be doing!


Vanna White makes amends to a fan 8 years later.
September 22nd, 2023 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Beryl was a contestant on Wheel of Fortune this week, and she met one of the game show’s stars before.

Back in 2015, Beryl told Pat Sajak that she met Vanna White at the Myrtle Beach airport. The two shared a photo, but there was something that the host was not going to share. White’s friend made her a pound cake, and she kept all of it to herself.

Well, when Sajak found out about that, he made White bring out some cake for the contestant. And just as she was going to take a bite, Sajak took it for himself and ate it.

Poor Beryl will get her cake, but she just can’t seem to eat it.

Back to the joke that Sajak pulled. Ryan Seacrest will never be able to do that because he is not quick nor is he funny.


Hot Links!
September 21st, 2023 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Whatever happened to Meghan Markle’s first husband? – Celebitchy

See cartoon characters as a human – Screen Rant

The Joe Jonas/Sophie Turner divorce gets ugly – Pajiba

Julianne Hough in a see-thru dress – Drunken Stepfather

Harry Styles is attached to the new James Bond film – Farandulista


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