Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2022
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Bill Engvall walked off the set of Pictionary
November 9th, 2022 under Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn. [ Comments: 7 ]

Bill Engvall is a contestant on Pictionary, and he got so mad at missing an answer that he walked off the set.

What was the drawing that got him so upset? His opponent drew something that her team didn’t recognize, so they lost the point. It was then time for the comedian’s team to guess, and he thought it was a Merry-Go-Round. So, when he was told that it wasn’t, he told Jerry O’Connell, “If you say carousel, I am walking off this set.”

Well, it was carousel, so he walked off the set. The host ran after him, and he decided to turn around, sit down and play the rest of the game. You can say he went around in a circle like a carousel but without a metal horse to ride on.

BTW I wish more contestants would walk off game shows when they got the answer wrong. It would make them more exciting. But I am also evil and enjoy the mayhem!


A mini-Taxi reunion
November 9th, 2022 under Taxi. [ Comments: none ]

Tony Danza was in Los Angeles last week performing at a Jazz club, and some of his old co-workers came to see him sing. They worked together at the Sunshine Cab Company over 40 years ago. That’s right; it was Judd Hirsch, Marilu Henner, and director James Burrows.

Seeing them look so happy together makes me wish they would give my favorite show a sequel because it is all about me. That and, if Night Court can get one, why can’t Taxi?

This wasn’t the only cast that Danza reunited with when he was out here. He also caught up with his Who’s the Boss family.


Is Julia Duffy really 71?
November 9th, 2022 under Are they really their age?. [ Comments: none ]

Julia Duffy shared a photo of herself from her trailer on the set, and I can’t believe that she is 71. She looks exactly like she did when she starred on Newhart in the ’80s.

Seriously, doesn’t she look the same as when she joined Designing Women? I need to know how and why she hasn’t aged, and I have.


Jeopardy gave Alex Trebek his own category
November 9th, 2022 under Jeopardy. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, it was two years since we lost the wonderful Alex Trebek. Jeopardy didn’t want that to go unnoticed, so they gave him his own category on the show.

We learned things about him that even he didn’t know. But the one thing we do is that he was looking down from heaven, smiling over the contestants, answering stuff about him. And happy they didn’t know the answer to the $1,000 question either!

Long live Alex Trebek’s memory. The show will never be the same without you! Thank you for all the happy memories we have of you.


Hot Links!
November 9th, 2022 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who wants you to focus on her butt? – Dlisted

Why is Drake getting sued? – The Cut

Wordle is getting a big change – Pajiba

Which married celeb groped a woman? – Celebitchy

Why didn’t we get Napoleon Dynamite 2? – Screen Rant

Khloe Kardashian’s underboob and nipple – The Nip Slip

Avril Lavigne showing her cleavage – Drunken Stepfather


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