Jason Mraz plays music around his cat all the time, so has his baby learned anything from his furrent. Nope! Listen to Holmes tickle the ivories. Although tickle isn’t the right word, smashed is better.
Not only can Holmes not play the keyboard, but he also cannot sing. But at least the kitty is cute, and that is all that matters.
You would think after the Imagine fiasco that Gal Gadot would never sing on social media again. But, she strikes again. At least this time, she did it solo and lipsynched to Whitney Houston’s I Will Always Love You. And because of that, we will always love this Wonder Woman!
Before John Cho’s Harold & Kumar movies were available at Hollywood Video, he was doing commercials for them. He looks the same now as he did when he was 20 in that 1992 advertisement.
Hallmark Channel recently announced that the next season of Chesapeake Shores will be its last. Therefore, Chessies will want everyone who has been part of the show to be in the final season.
However, Diane Ladd, who plays the matriarch Nell O’Brien, has some sad news for the fans. “With the announcement of #chesapeakeshores ending with season 6, I just wanted to say I’m working hard to make it back to Canada to say goodbye, but I’m filming a movie and might not be able,” she wrote. “We will see what Gd has in store. Love n Light Diane”
Hopefully, the legendary actress can make it back to say goodbye to the show and her co-stars.