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Do you like Mario Lopez with a handlebar mustache?
February 8th, 2022 under Mario Lopez. [ Comments: none ]

Even though Mario Lopez can grow facial hair, he never has let us see him with it. However, the host shared a photo of himself trying on a handlebar mustache.

Do you think he should grow one, or he would be better off being saved by the razor? I think this is the wrong look for him, but I got a chuckle thinking of him with a goatee. Can you picture it too?


BTWF: Hayden Panettiere on Guiding Light
February 8th, 2022 under Before They Were Famous, Hayden Panettiere. [ Comments: none ]

Before Hayden Panettiere was an only child on Heroes, she was going to be a big sister on Guiding Light. How cute was the 10-year-old in that 2000 episode?


Andy Taylor responds to Duran Duran’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nom with class
February 7th, 2022 under Duran Duran. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, Duran Duran was nominated to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Simon Le Bon, John Taylor, Nick Rhodes, and Roger Taylor issued a statement as a band, but what about Andy Taylor, the fifth original member who left the band for a second and final time in 2006? The guitarist responded to the nomination over the weekend.

I thought it cool to give this a few days, to wait for the dust to settle – it’s a big one, big & most unexpected – I have to say that without a shred of doubt the guys deserve an enormous amount of respect for keeping the band going & very much alive. It’s true – we love survivors & it’s also true that until something like this happens in life, you don’t really know how you’re going to feel. So yes, I’ve definitely got some skin in this game, tingly skin & was choked when I saw my name among the nominations! Award shows add a passing sparkle, but being nominated to TR&RHOF is so much more than a TV moment. As a musician you look at the company you’re now revelling in, both thrilling & humbling but undoubtedly in Duran’s case extremely well deserving, in fact some might say “a tad overdue”… However, it’s the unwavering support from an army of fans, followers & dare I say Duranies whom despite the media’s relentless cheap shots & sheer bloody ignorance towards the band at times, have supported each & all of us, bonkers to think of really… some 45 years later. So Thank You massively from the bottom of my heart, it’s an incredible piece of legacy to be gifted & I’m one very proud fella. ATX

Andy Taylor has led a pretty private life since he departed from the band, so you didn’t know what to expect. But he handled it with class.

A lot of bands who broke up or lost members reunite when they get inducted into the Hall of Fame, like The Police and Journey. So good things can come from it. Maybe Andy will be willing to give D2 a third shot? After all, the third time is the charm. And he wrote a charming letter about the nomination.

That letter was all class and humbleness. It shows he has matured and deserves to be there alongside the four men with whom he played with for decades. I seriously can’t get over his letter because it was so well-written and from the heart.

When it comes to if they should get inducted, the answer is hell yes. They helped to launch MTV with their groundbreaking and controversial videos for Girls on Film, The Chauffer, Rio, and so on. Along with still going strong for almost 45 years, and they are not slowing down.

It is a tough year because Dolly Parton deserves it for being Dolly Parton. Pat Benetar showed us that women can Rock better than a man. Eminem for what he has done for Rap. Dionne Warwick for opening the door for other Black female artists. Lionel Richie sold a lot of albums in the ’80s and proved he is just as strong of a musician as a solo artist. Carly Simon taught us we can all be vain. And The New York Dolls showed us that men can be dolled up in women’s clothing and Rock!

Sorry, but I think Eurythmics, A Tribe Called Quest, Judas Preist, Devo, Kate Bush, Beck, and Rage Against the Machine can wait for another year.


Missy Peregrym is pregnant with baby #2
February 7th, 2022 under Missy Peregrym. [ Comments: none ]

Missy Peregrym has some news to share, so she got her son, Otis, who turns 2 next month, to help her tell it. The FBI actress asked her toddler to tap her belly to tell everyone he is going to be a big brother this summer. The only problem is he doesn’t know gentle. Hopefully, he will learn what that means before the baby comes.

Talking about gentle, is there a gentle way to write her pregnancy into the CBS show, or will they keep it hiding like they when she was pregnant the first time?

Peregrym just celebrated her third wedding anniversary with Tom Oakley.


Nick Cannon got a week’s full of condoms for Valentine’s Day
February 7th, 2022 under Nick Cannon. [ Comments: none ]

Nick Cannon has had/going to have eight children with six different women in about eleven years. Therefore, it is time for him to take a break from breeding. Since he probably won’t get a vasectomy and still wants to have sex, condoms are the next best option. So, someone got him a vending machine full of Magnums for Valentine’s. That should last him about a week. If that.

UPDATE: The gifter of the condom vending machine is not one of his baby mamas, but someone who is the size of his babies. Obviously, that means it is Kevin Hart. The comedian wrote, “I see u got my gift @nickcannon ….GOTCHA BITCH!!!!!! ….Now u don’t have an excuse because the condoms are free #PrankWars


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