Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2022 » January
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Is Halle Berry married?
January 3rd, 2022 under Halle Berry. [ Comments: none ]

Halle Berry/Instagram

Halle Berry posted the above photo, and wrote, “well…IT’S OFFICIAL!” As soon as her fans saw and other actors saw that, they flooded her social media with well wishes.

So, are she and Van Hunt married? “We were just having some New Year’s Day fun!” she wrote. “People clearly don’t swipe as much as we thought they did. 😂 thank you for the well wishes, tho’, it really touched our hearts! Now it’s OFFICIAL, the internet is no longer undefeated 😜”

The 55-year-old needs to stick dramas because that was not funny to the people who lust after her and think they might have a shot. Not nice.

Had the Oscar winner gotten married this weekend, it would have been her fourth marriage. She had been previously marries to Olivier Martinez, Eric Benét, and David Justice.


Watching Henry Winkler dancing will brighten your New Year
January 3rd, 2022 under Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

2020-too is not off to the best of starts. Omicron is infecting millions of people with COVID-19, and Betty White died on the final day of 2021.

We need something to make us smile, and that thing is Henry Winkler dancing. How can you not smile after watching that? You can’t. Now, I actually have hope for the New Year again.

The 76-year-old is one of our national living treasures, and we need to protect him at all costs. Therefore, if you see him, make sure nothing bad happens to him.


Rick Springfield has a breakthrough case of COVID-19
January 3rd, 2022 under Coronavirus, Rick Springfield. [ Comments: 1 ]

Rick Springfield, who is full of good notes, started the New Year off on a bad one. That is because he tested positive for a breakthrough case of COVID-19 hours before his show.

“Felt a little crappy today and turns out I tested positive for Covid,” he wrote.” For the safety of my band, crew, venue staff, and all of my amazing fans, I’m isolating, taking Tylenol and drinking lots of green tea. So bummed!”

Hopefully, the 72-year-old will be better soon because we need to protect him with all of our might.


Omarion wants you to know he is not Omicron
January 3rd, 2022 under Coronavirus. [ Comments: none ]

Omarion released a public service announcement over the weekend. He wants you to know that he is not the Omicron variant of COVID-19. Therefore, if you run into him on the street, you do not have to quarantine for five days, nor do you have to get a negative test so that you can dance to his songs.

So, Omarion good. Omicron bad. Got it? Good.


Hot Links!
January 2nd, 2022 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Has Nicolas Cage seen his movies? – Dlisted

Kate Upton in a bathing suit – Egotastic

Dua Lipa in a bikini – Drunken Stepfather

A spoiler for Cobra Kai’s fifth season – Screen Rant

Is Prince William’s affair about to be leaked? – Celebitchy

Which Congressman was banned from Twitter? – The Cut

Which of our hand gestures are vulgar in other countries? – Grunge


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