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Foo Fighter’s horror movie Studio 666 looks killer
January 11th, 2022 under Foo Fighters. [ Comments: none ]

The Foo Fighters are willing to try new things, like record a Bee Gees tribute album. Next month they will be starring in a horror movie called Studio 666.

We have been hearing about it for a while. We have seen some photos. And now we are getting to witness Dave Grohl go from drummer to murderer, all thanks to the possessed house they are recording in, in the trailer.

Too bad it is coming out on February 25th instead of February 14th because I want to make it my Valentine.

I grew up with Horror. I am so over modern-day over CGIed Horror. I also am not a fan of haunted house films. Yet, having said that, it is Everclear; I cannot wait for this one. It is a throwback to the good old days of the genre. The days before Grohl was in a little band called Nirvana. So, in other words, the concept is as ancient as the spirits in the feature, and I am all for it!

Rock on! Or should I say, kill on!


The Oscars will have a host again this year
January 11th, 2022 under Oscars. [ Comments: none ]


The Oscars has not had a host since 2018. Something the awards show desperately needs again. So today, Craig Erwich, president, Hulu Originals and ABC Entertainment, announced at their TCA Press Day that they will have one on March 27th. That is unless COVID-19 postpones it like all of this month’s award shows.

Anyways, back to the host. They did not mention who will be the Master of Ceremonies. Since Will Packer, the producer of this year’s Academy Awards, has worked with both Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish, I am assuming it will be one of them.

I just want someone who is not political. The host can make fun of celebrities all they want, but can we have a night free of politics?

Who do you want to host movie’s biggest night?


David Walton’s Words of Wizdumb on marriage
January 11th, 2022 under Words of Wizdumb. [ Comments: none ]

David Walton starred in the show Perfect Couples, so I guess he knows a thing or two about keeping a marriage alive. After all, he has been married to Majandra Delfino for over 12 years.

What is his secret? One of the things that works for him is peeing sitting down. “I just started doing this, and it is a true game changer. If you were to look at slow motion video at toilet
level of a man peeing you would be horrified. Countless urine particles escape the bowl and coat the surrounding area. Show your wife you care by sitting down. (The only time I pee standing up is when I mark my territory outside my house.)

“Added bonus to peeing sitting down: you don’t have to turn the light on in the middle of the night. Your circadian rhythms stay perfect, and you wake up refreshed with a wife who wants to party.”

That is just one of the five tips that he shared from the porcelain throne. All are of them are good, but I am a woman, and I like a trained man who makes sure I don’t have a wet ass. At least not a wet ass from the toilet bowl.

I hope Walton gives us more Words of Wizdumb like this. And he gets so much attention that some network gives him a show to share it all. I would watch.


Station 19 will continue to put out fires
January 11th, 2022 under Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

ABC announced today that Station 19 will be back for a 6th season in the Fall. The news is not a surprise because it does better than Grey’s Anatomy in the overnights, the show it spun off of.

“The riveting storytelling and passionate fan base that Station 19 continues to cultivate is a testament to the unrelenting dedication of Krista Vernoff and the incredibly talented cast and crew,” stated Craig Erwich, president, Hulu Originals and ABC Entertainment. “Coupled with yesterday’s renewal of Grey’s Anatomy, the return of Station 19 ensures more crossover opportunities and a thrilling night of appointment television.”

I was hoping that since Station 19 is doing so well on its own, that we would be done with the crossover episodes. But I guess not. I guess I will have to fast forward through Grey’s to find the five minutes that actually make it a crossover. Yeah, I said it. They are not really crossovers.


David Hasselhoff cheats on the ocean with some snow
January 11th, 2022 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: none ]

David Hasselhoff normally wears his swimming trunks when he is by the ocean. However, he shared a photo of himself wearing them in the snow. If he doesn’t get inside soon, the most famous lifeguard is going to need ski patrol to find his balls that froze Hoff.


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