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We need more actors to love their work like Ghosts’ Danielle Pinnock
December 13th, 2021 under Ghosts. [ Comments: none ]

Danielle Pinnock has been acting for over five years in front of the camera, and this year she landed her big break with Ghosts on CBS. She plays a Jazz singer from the Roarin’ Twenties who died in the house and has been haunting it ever since.

The show is this season’s biggest hit because it keeps finding new viewers every week instead of losing them. Case in point, on December 2nd, an episode that focused on her character Alberta aired. People loved it so much that lots of people found it online after its original airing.

“Bawling my eyes out. The ‘Alberta’s Fan’ episode of @GhostsCBS got the Seven Day Playback Ratings…and it received the Highest Ratings for an Episode to Date. 8.3 million views! Y’all,” Pinnock wrote. “I couldn’t have done it without y’all.”

How many actors care enough about acting these days that they would cry tears of joy over amazing ratings for an episode that is centered around them? Not many. That is why I adore Ghosts so much because she is not the only actor who feels this way about their work on the program.

Another great thing about Ghosts is that the cast is an ensemble, but they also shine as individuals. Pinnock and her character stand out, as did her episode. That is why people went out of their way to find it. If you haven’t seen Alberta’s Fan, you can watch it on Paramount+. Or you can watch it on December 23rd when CBS airs a five-episode Ghostmas marathon. Even though we have up until the 15th to vote for our favorite episodes, I am pretty sure it will be up there.

Not only is her episode great, but all of them are. So. discover the show that more and more people are falling in love with it every week. I know you will love the series as much as Pinnock and I do.

Oh, and if I were Pinnock, I would make sure to flush her toenail clippings from now on. If that makes no sense to you, then you need to watch Ghosts. I promise you won’t be disappointed! It is the show we all needed this year and didn’t know it.


BTWF: Megan Mullally on Seinfeld
December 13th, 2021 under Before They Were Famous, Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman. [ Comments: none ]

Before Megan Mullally was married to Stan on Will & Grace, she dated George Costanza on Seinfeld. I love how the then 34-year-old created a character for this 1993 role.


Mariah Carey sings McDonald’s Big Mac jingle
December 13th, 2021 under Fast Food, Mariah Carey. [ Comments: 5 ]

McDonald’s teamed up with Mariah Carey to give away a free item every day, with the minimum of a $1 purchase, from today until Christmas Eve. In honor of the start of Mariah’s Menu today, she sang the Big Mac jingle, and she asked us to duet it with her. And the catchy tune never sounded better.

Today Mickey D’s gave away a Big Mac. To see what else they are giving away over the next 11 days, then click here!


Matthew McConaughey’s kids got so big
December 13th, 2021 under Matthew McConaughey. [ Comments: none ]

Matthew McConaughey is starring in a kids’ movie, so he brought his children to the premiere of Sing 2 yesterday.

It has been a while since we have seen his offspring with Camilla Aviles. In that time, Levi, 13, Vida, 11, and Livingston, 8, got so big. I never would have recognized them.

They are all gorgeous. But then again, they are their parents’ children.


Dr. Oz says he won’t be cancelled as his show is cancelled
December 13th, 2021 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: 1 ]

Last month, Dr. Oz announced that he was running for US Senate, and today Sony Pictures Television announced that his show will be ending on January 14th. This news was not unexpected because there are laws preventing candidates from hosting TV shows and not giving equal time to the other candidates.

Even though he will not be doing the show, another Oz will be filling in for him starting on the 17th. His daughter Daphne will be co-hosting the cooking show The Good Dish with Top Chef judge Gail Simmons and Next Food Star winner Jamika Pessoa.

“Audiences have been loving what Daphne, Gail, and Jamika have been serving up during their weekly segments on The Dr. Oz Show for years. We have long believed The Good Dish would make an excellent stand-alone series and are delighted to be able to deliver this fresh take on the cooking genre to our station partners and their viewers across the country,” Zack Hernandez, the VP and General Sales Manager of Sony Pictures Television, said to the news outlet.

When it comes to Dr. Oz, I say good riddance. While some of his information was good, he also reportedly spread misinformation about medicine and medical treatments. He also was OK with sending kids back to school during a pandemic because he said it would only kill 2-3% of them in an interview.


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