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Jelly Belly adds two disgusting flavors to Beanboozled
October 26th, 2021 under Junk Food. [ Comments: none ]

Jelly Belly released the 6th edition of Beandoozled, and they added two new flavors to mix. The additional imposters are Liver and Onions/Cappuccino and Old Bandage/Pomegranate.

In case you are not familiar with Beandoozled, it is an evil creation from the jelly bean maker. They basically use the coloring of one of the delicious flavors and replace it with one that is beyond repulsive, like Cappuccino for Liver and onions.

Since the gross flavors look like the sweet ones, you don’t know if you have been Beandoozled until you put it in your mouth. And it is a taste you will soon not forget.

So what are the other flavors in the box? They are:

Rotten Egg/Buttered Popcorn
Toothpaste/Berry Blue
Stink Bug/Toasted Marshmallow
Booger/Juicy Pear
Dirty Dishwater/Birthday Cake
Stinky Socks/Tutti-Fruitti
Dead Fish/Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Part of me wants to get a box. But once you taste a jelly bean that tastes like barf, you never want to experience anything like it again.


This is how Kate Hudson honors Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October 26th, 2021 under Kate Hudson. [ Comments: none ]

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Kate Hudson is celebrating it in her underwear.

Why? She explained it as, “It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month and I’m stretching my quads before joining my friends at @kitundergarments and @thirdlove as they kick it to cancer 💪 by donating 15% of sales from the #kitstokickcancer collection to Women’s Cancer Research Fund. 💗”

I am sure that she came up with this idea from a good place, but I think it looks bad. Like it is all about herself promoting her body and making money for the underwear line. To me, it is so disrespectful to those who do and did have breast cancer. What do you think?


AJ McLean dumps the beard
October 26th, 2021 under AJ McLean. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know about you, but do you ever remember AJ McLean without a beard? Well, now we don’t have to remember because he shaved it off.

How does he look? Like he said, “a 10-year-old.”

Do you hate it like his wife and kids, or do you think he should keep his face clean-shaven? I am going with the latter. I think his face should be hair-free for a while.


Hot Links!
October 25th, 2021 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

What does Shiloh Jolie-Pitt look like now? – Celebitchy

Meghan Thee Stallion is a sexy Pinhead – Egotastic

Angelina Jolie had a hair fail on the red carpet – Dlisted

Paris Jackson shows off her boobs – Drunken Stepfather

Did people tune in to watch Chucky on TV? – Screen Rant

Dave Chappelle responds to the Netflix controversy – Pajiba


4400 is the rare remake that’s better than the original
October 25th, 2021 under The CW. [ Comments: 1 ]

Back when the 4400 aired on USA, I watched every episode. I had to know what was going to happen next for the 4400. So when I heard that The CW was bringing it back, I wasn’t sure what to think. I went in with low expectations, just in case, it was going to disappoint me like so many other remakes. Well, not only did I love it, I loved it more than the original.

Tonight at 9p, you will get to see why this remake is getting it so right.

The episode starts off with Shanice (Brittany Adebumola), a lawyer in 2005, getting ready to return to work after maternity leave. As she is driving to work, she is suddenly sucked up into the sky and then dropped back down 16 years in the future. She is not the only one; 4,399 other people from all wakes of life and different time periods are also mysteriously dropped down alongside her.

Since the government doesn’t want to freak people out, they bring them all to different shelters to find out who they are and what they are doing here now. I say now because as they do facial recognition on them, they find out they most of them are people that were reported missing as far back as 100 years ago.

Now, the government is exploring every theory, including that they might have been abducted by aliens. They also do not know if they should be afraid of these people who suddenly fell out of the sky.

Who are these people? Andre Davis (TL Thompson) is an African-American surgeon from the 1920a who served in WWI. He is going to take care of the injured like Claudette (Jaye Ladymore). She was part of the civil rights movement in Mississippi from the ’50s. She wants a World where she can be equal, and she just returned to a place that is more like it than she was alive.

Rev (Derrick A. King) is from the ’90s. He was a televangelist. LaDonna (Khailah Johnson) has only been missing for six years, so she is one of the few who understands today’s technology as she should because she was a reality star in her time. Mildred (Autumn Best) is a teen from the ’70s.

The only thing we know about Hayden (AMARR) is that he has been missing for a few decades. The only reason we only know that is because he doesn’t talk. However, he will say something at the end of the episode that will change everything.

You see, like the original, they will each have different powers. Tonight, we get a glimpse of some of them. However, we don’t know why they got them and what they are going to be used for?

There are so many questions, like why were they returned? Why these 4499 people? And so on.

But you are not supposed to answer all of those questions in the pilot. You have to answer them throughout the show’s, hopefully long, run.

Why do I like this reimagining better than the original? First off, these people seem to have more purpose to them than just being chosen. It doesn’t feel like they are random people off of the street.

Another thing I like better is that they weren’t just released back to their families or possible relatives. That is because they are all being held together. Therefore, we get to know them and see them interact with each other. I want to see them grow together. As scared as everyone is of them, they are also scared because they have no idea what happened to them and all the people they once knew.

To me, all of that is more important than the fact that they have powers. Not that I don’t like that aspect from the original show. I also wanted to get attached to the characters, and you get to do that with this version.

4400 is my favorite new drama of the season. Check it out to find out why you are going to love it as much as I do.


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