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Hot Links!
September 29th, 2021 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see Sharon Stone’s boobs? – Drunken Stepfather

The FBI kept tabs on Lucille Ball – Grunge

Katherine Heigl talks Grey’s Anatomy – Dlisted

Katharine McPhee is an underwear model – Egotastic

Is Nick Cannon going to be a dad again? – Celebitchy

Zoolander had a much different ending – Screen Rant


Who knew Arnold Schwarzenegger was so short?
September 29th, 2021 under Arnold Schwarzenegger, Shaquille O'Neal. [ Comments: none ]

Arnold Schwarzenegger posed with Shaquille O’Neal, and the bodybuilder looks scrawny next to the basketball player. But then again, who doesn’t? Shaq, at 7’1″, can humble the mightiest.


BTWF: Jon Seda in I Like It Like That
September 29th, 2021 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jon Seda was a cop in Chicago PD, he went to jail in I Like It Like That. He looks the same now as he did when he was 23 in that 1994 movie.


Dun dun, Law & Order is back!
September 29th, 2021 under Dick Wolf. [ Comments: 1 ]

Eleven years ago, NBC murdered Law & Order. That was then. Today, they announced that they are resurrecting it for a 21st season.

Even though Dick Wolf has three FBI series on CBS, three Chicago dramas, and two Law & Orders currently on the air, he had this to say about this news, “There are very few things in life that are literally dreams come true. This is mine.”

If it wasn’t for Law & Order, I doubt those eight shows would be on the air. L&O gave birth to so many shows, so you can’t blame the flagship’s father for being so happy for his eldest child.

I am assuming this came about because NBC needed to fill the hole that was emptied because Wolf decided not to move with Law & Order: For the Defense.

If CBS could bring back CSI, then NBC can bring back Law & Order. It is like 2000 all over again.

On that note, when it comes to who will be back and when it will be back, we do not know. All of that will be revealed at a later date.


The traumatic reason why Chris Colfer is taking a break from writing
September 28th, 2021 under Glee, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

We all know that Chris Colfer starred in Glee but did you know that he is an author now. In fact, he has released 18 books in just nine years.

However, after he finishes his next book, he is taking a break. He shared with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show yesterday why he is going to do that. He recently went to a bar, and there was a man hitting on him. While they were chatting, the man said that he enjoyed Colfer’s books as a kid.

The actor asked him how is that possible because the books only came out nine years ago. That is when the guy told him that he was 11 when he started reading his novels. After that, the 31-year-old decided he is going to take some time off. I guess he wants to put more of a distance between his age and his readers’ ages. Which totally makes sense.

What could he do with his time off? I am hoping he goes on the search for aliens. I love the way he described what it was like when he saw a UFO in Hollywood, most likely because his description was so sexual. Unlike his books.

His newest book, A Tale of Sorcery, is out now.


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