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BTWF: Andrew McCarthy for Burger King
May 11th, 2021 under Andrew McCarthy. [ Comments: none ]

Before Andrew McCarthy was in love with a Mannequin at the department store he worked at, he was a Pepsi employee who was in love with Elisabeth Shue, who worked at Burger King. How sweet was the 20-year-old in that 1983 commercial?


John Hughes didn’t want Andrew McCarthy in Pretty In Pink
May 11th, 2021 under Andrew McCarthy. [ Comments: none ]

Andrew McCarthy has a new memoir out called Brat: An ’80s Story. In the autobiography, he talks about his time in the ’80s when he was a member of the Brat Pack. Therefore, there are a lot of backstories about the films he made, like Class, St. Elmo’s Fire, Weekend at Bernie’s, and Pretty In Pink. It was the last movie that made us fall in love with him.

Today, when he was on The Talk, he talked about how that almost didn’t happen. When he auditioned for the role, John Hughes was looking for an athletic type to play Blane. Therefore, he was unimpressed by the actor.

While the legendary voice of teens was not interested, Molly Ringwald was. She told Hughes, “That’s the guy,” because “he is dreamy, he is poetic.”

Thankfully for all of us, Hughes listened to his red-headed muse. She was right. It was his preppiness that won us over. I don’t think a football player would have had the same effect. I mean, what teenage girl didn’t fall in love with McCarthy, James Spader, and Jon Cryer after watching this coming of age film?

On the latter person, I do wish Hughes didn’t listen to Ringwald when she told him that Andy should wind up Blane over Duckie because of his lip size. As much as I liked Blane, I was rooting for the nerd to get his girl. However, if I was Andy, I would have gone for all three men because there was no way I could have picked just one.

Anyways back to McCarthy, pick up his book now to learn more stories like this one. I can’t wait to read what he says about Mannequin. That movie still holds up. Actually, all of his films from the era do. I don’t care what his kids say about them.


Sherri Shepherd is the sexy lady in the red!
May 11th, 2021 under Sherri Shepherd. [ Comments: none ]

Sherri Shepheard recently lost 25 pounds, and she is showing off her svelte figure in a bright red jumpsuit. The Trial & Error star looks better than ever. So much so, I can’t believe she just turned 54. It is like the actress is turning back the hands of time.


Days of our Lives gets two more sands through the hourglass
May 11th, 2021 under TV Soaps. [ Comments: none ]

NBC announced today that Days of our Lives will be around for two more seasons.

“After more than 55 years of bringing drama, adventure and romance to screens around the world, we are thrilled and honored to carry on the ‘Days of our Lives’ legacy for another two years,” said executive producer Ken Corday. “We are thankful to NBC for their enduring commitment to the show and grateful to continue this wonderful journey with our fans for years to come.”

There was a time we thought that Soap Operas were on their way out, but they are still here, being watched by the most loyal of audiences. This is the toughest job in acting. However, if you can survive it, you can take on any role. Here is to DOOL launching even more careers in the business.

The renewal means the Daytime Drama will be around for at least 58 seasons. To give you a hint about how incredible that is. In December, they aired their 14,000th episode. Nowadays, dramas are lucky if they shoot 14-episode seasons. Now you see why I am saying it is the toughest job in showbiz.


Is that you Jensen Ackles?
May 11th, 2021 under Supernatural. [ Comments: none ]

Earlier today, I posted a photo that some say that Leonardo DiCaprio is unrecognizable. I knew it was him. However, I know Jensen Ackles posted this photo of himself, but I still don’t believe it is.

The clean-cut actor from Days of our Lives and Supernatural has longer hair and a thick beard now. As a result, he looks more like Wil Wheaton than himself.

I hope the beard is for his role as Soldier Boy on Amazon Prime’s The Boys because that has to go. When it comes to the hair, I hope he keeps that.

What do you think of his new grungy look?


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