Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2020 » February
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Andy Richter needs to be on Wheel of Fortune all the time!
February 7th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien, Wheel of Fortune. [ Comments: 6 ]

We are used to seeing Andy Richter be PG-13 on Conan. However, on Wheel of Fortune, he is all NC-17. No matter what the clue is on the game show, he finds a way to see the word f*ck. You know what, he is not alone. I see it too.

Personally, I wish that the show was not all about being family-friendly, and had some clues like “chasing tail.” If Family Feud can do it, then why can Pat Sajak and Vanna White. I am sure they would enjoy the answers being a little bit naughtier. It would add some spice into their lives, and ours too. Don’t we all need it?


Remember Delta Burke?
February 7th, 2020 under Designing Women, Remember?. [ Comments: none ]

This weekend, Delta Burke and her husband Gerald McRaney came out to sign autographs at The Hollywood Show, and they are such a sweet-looking couple. Can you believe how much in love they look after 30 years of marriage? Especially in a time when most couples cannot even make it to 30 months.

It has been a minute since we have seen Suzanne Sugarbaker, and the 63-year-old actress is still just as beautiful as she was on Designing Women. So much so, I hope a Hollywood producer thinks about giving her a show. Television has not been as sassy since she has not been on it. We need her back on the boob tube!


Hot Links!
February 6th, 2020 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

You will never believe who that is – Dlisted

Jessica Simpson almost died – Celebitchy

What Netflix feature can you now diable? – Pajiba

Why does entertainment use 555 phone numbers? – Grunge

Can you believe Instagram was OK with these images? – DS


Caption Chrissy Teigen!
February 6th, 2020 under Caption the Celeb, Chrissy Teigen. [ Comments: 4 ]

This photo of Chrissy Teigen has caption me written all over it, so go ahead and do it.


BTWF: Fran Drescher and Jay Leno in American Hot Wax
February 6th, 2020 under Before They Were Famous, Fran Drescher, Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jay Leno interviewed Fran Drescher on The Tonight Show, they shared scenes in American Hot Wax together. How much fun was it to see the 27-year-old actor act with the 20-year-old actress in that 1978 movie?


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