Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » January
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John Mayer has three nipples!
January 28th, 2019 under Andy Cohen, John Mayer. [ Comments: none ]

John Mayer and Andy Cohen are BFFs, so you would think they know everything about each other. They do not. During the singer’s Instagram show Current Mood, there was something he had to get off of his chest. Well, not literally because I do not think he wants to remove his third nipple which is just below his right one.

The talk show host was in such shock about it that he could not help to play with the Supernumerary. Even though he thought it was a mole. Do you think it is a mole or a nipple? I am thinking the latter, but why do men like him and Mark Wahlberg need an extra one because they serve no purpose?


Dennis Rodman has a secret to share…
January 28th, 2019 under Dennis Rodman. [ Comments: none ]

Dennis Rodman took to social media today, to let us know he wants to share a secret about himself with us that we do not already know. He made like Bob Dylan and asked us to read several white pieces of paper. What is the big reveal? Is he related to Kim Jong-un? Is he getting back into basketball? Is he getting married again? You just have to watch to find out.


Hot Links!
January 27th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Who has hairy legs? – Dlisted

Is Tom Brady a cheater? – Pajiba

Jennifer Lopez's camel toe – The Nip Slip

Who is dissing Taylor Swift now? – The Cut

Shocking Darth Vader reveal – Screen Rant

Jimmy Kimmel sells out Barbra Streisand – Celebitchy

Weezer released an album full of covers – The Evil Beet


No day but today to watch RENT live!
January 27th, 2019 under RENT. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 8p, Fox is going to the East Village in NYC to follow a group of friends who know how to make the most of five-hundred, twenty-five-thousand, six-hundred minutes. Translation they are bringing RENT the iconic music to live television.

A Broadway musical that defined a generation and now it will do the same for a new one. The production stars Kiersey Clemons as Joanne, Brandon Victor Dixon as Tom, Jordan Fisher as Mark, Vanessa Hudgens as Maureen, Brennin Hunt as Roger, Mario as Benjamin, Tinashe as Mimi and Valentina as Angel.

As the century was about to turn, a group friends were in living in a time of change. Where men could be women, women could be men and both sexes could be with who they wanted to. There was just one problem AIDS. These friends knew that all too well, but they were going to live life like La Vie Boheme. In others as free as they want to be because they cannot afford anything including the rent.

Will this production light my candle or will it only be one song glory? We find out soon enough.


Kate Beckinsale hospitalized for a ruptured ovarian cyst
January 27th, 2019 under Kate Beckinsale. [ Comments: none ]

Kate Beckinsale was rushed to hospital in extreme pain and turns out she had a ruptured an ovarian cyst. The doctors gave her morphine to deal with the agony and that only made her cry. Which gave us this sad photo.

Hopefully, she will be better soon. As someone who has fibroids, what is happening to her is my worst fear. They say it is one of the worst pains when one of those cysts ruptures. Therefore, I sympathize with her, but I do not feel her pain. I am sorry for anyone who does.


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