Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2018 » April
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Kevin James is the modern King of physical comedy
April 25th, 2018 under Jimmy Fallon, Kevin James. [ Comments: none ]

To me, John Ritter will always be the King of physical comedy, but Kevin James proved to us yesterday that he right up there with the greats including Chris Farley, Lucille Ball, and The Three Stooges.

Jimmy Fallon challenged him to a game of Spring Pratfall on The Tonight Show. Basically, they were given three scenarios and he nailed them all. First was sitting on a fragile chair, next was tripping over a Cheeto and finally, they had to ruin a wedding. Since I am a sadist, I love to watch people suffer. Even though what he did is art, it still had to hurt. He truly made it look so effort less.


Gal Gadot is naturally gorgeous!
April 25th, 2018 under Gal Gadot. [ Comments: none ]

Gal Gadot posted a photo of herself without any makeup on and she looks even better. Her skin is flawless. She really is a Wonder Woman!

She’s an action star, a mom of 2 and with all of that she is absolutely perfect.


No split decision on this play!
April 25th, 2018 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

Ronald Guzmán decided to become a baseball player, but after this move it looks like he made the wrong choice. The Texas Rangers first baseman could also double duty as a cheerleader with a split like that. Too bad the MLB does not have them cheering on the teams like football does.

BTW men did you feel his pain too?


Hot Links!
April 24th, 2018 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess whose those legs belong to? – Celebitchy

Remember Penny from Showgirls – Dlisted

Meghan Fox gets a relaity show – Starcasm

Joss Whedon explains why quit Batgirl – Pajiba

Selena Homez looking sexy in sweats – GCeleb

Finally a happy story from Parkland – Towelroad

Who did Allison Mack try to recruit? – Farandulista


Clayne Crawford confirms the rumors about Lethal Weapon and apologizes
April 24th, 2018 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, there was a report that Lethal Weapon is danger of getting cancelled because of Clayne Crawford. The report said that he has been reprimanded several times because of his actions and made people feel uncomfortable on the set.

Today, he took to social media to explain what really happened and apologize if what he did might cost people their job. He loves his job and and sorry if his passion made people feel uncomfortable.

Hopefully this mea culpa will be enough to save the show. Well that if he actually means what he says. That is the biggest factor in this scenario.


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