Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » September
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Hot Links!
September 25th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who is ugly in pink? – Dlisted

Ariel Winter's side boob – Moe Jackson

Salma Hayek in a revealing top – Celebslam

Whose nipple ring was exposed? – The Nip Slip

Miley Cyrus' panties match her lipstick – Popoholic

Which new show is already being boycotted? – Celebicthy

What in the hell is Bella Thorn wearing? – Hollywood Tuna

George Clooney rant on being called Hollywood Elite! – IDLYITW


Caption Jared Leto!
September 25th, 2017 under Caption the Celeb, Jared Leto. [ Comments: none ]

This photo of Jared Leto from Rock in Rio has caption me written all over it, so go ahead and do it.


Idina Menzel only marries people who starred in Rent with her
September 25th, 2017 under RENT. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 2003, Idina Menzel married Taye Diggs, her co-star from the Broadway version of Rent. This weekend, she married another Rent co-star, but this time from the 2005 movie. Aaron Lohr and her tied the knot at their house as her father and 8-year-old son, Walker Nathaniel Diggs, walked her down the aisle. The actress described the nuptials as, “It was magical.” If anyone would know, it would be a Disney Queen.

Lohr and Menzel started dating 10 years after they made Rent, and got engaged almost exactly a year before they said I do.


BTWF roles: Freddie Highmore in Women Talking Dirty
September 25th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Freddie Highmore’s mom made him Psycho on Bates Motel, he another mom that was on her way in Women Talking Dirty. How awwwwwdorable was the 7-year-old in that 1999 movie?


Will there be a Big Bang wedding, meet Young Sheldon and Me, Myself & I
September 25th, 2017 under CBS, Chuck Lorre. [ Comments: none ]
The Big Bang Theory is back at 8p tonight on CBS, and we find out if Amy (Mayim Bialik) says yes to Sheldon’s (Jim Parsons) marriage proposal. I will not tell you how long you will have to wait for answer because that is no fun. What I will tell you is there is not one but two other surprises happening during the season premiere. That and the show is still as funny in season 11 as it was during season 1.
Then at 8:30p, we get to know Young Sheldon. Back in 1989, Sheldon Cooper (Iain Armitage) is just 9 years old, living in a small Texas town with his family and he is about to start high school with his older brother. While George (Montana Jordan) is not looking forward to having the same classes with his genius brother who is extremely awkward, Sheldon’s twin sister, Molly (Raegan Revord) is excited not be in the same grade as her brother anymore.

Sheldon’s mom (Laurie Metcalf’s real life daughter Zoe Perry), as we know from The Big Bang Theory is a devout Christian. What we did not know, is that she was a loving mom who was very accepting of her son and his quirks. Sheldon’s dad (Lance Barber) is a coach at the high school, and he will be there to protect and look over both of his boys. George Jr is dealing with the fallback from having his strange brother at school with him and Sheldon needs help fitting in because, well you know the older version. At the end of the day, the Coopers are just a family and one you will want to get to know.

Young Sheldon does not have the feel of The Big Bang Theory. It is more like The Wonder Years or Oliver Beene. As in a sweet family dramedy that you can watch with the whole family. It is not just jokes for laughs, but moments that tug at your heart. Just like how you fell in love with the older Sheldon, you are going to love the younger version too!
Finally at 9:30p, John Laroquette returns to comedic television in Me, Myself & I. The show interweaves the life of Alex Riley during three stages of it. They are 14, 40 and 65.

When Alex was 14, his mom got remarried and moved him to Los Angeles. Now he has to deal with his stepbrother Justin (Christopher Paul Richards), who is Lakers fan as compared to Alex who loves his Michael Jordan. Alex also meets a Nori (Reylynn Caster), the girl everyone wants including him, but something happens at the school dance that ruins any chance he had with her.

Then at 40, he (Bobby Moynihan) is an inventor who has yet to invent anything that has sold. Then one day when he returns home early, he finds out his wife is cheating on him. She gets the house and custody of their daughter Abby (Skylar Gray). Just when he gets to used to their arrangement, his ex tells him she moving to San Fransisco and taking their daughter with her. Just when he is at his lowest, he finally sells one of his inventions.

Now 25 years later, he has sold many more and living the good life. Until he has a heart attack and retires. He goes back to the old dinner he went to when he was a teen and he remeets Nori (Sharon Lawrence). The two reignite their flame that was 50 years in the making.

I love Laroquette and I wanted to like this show, but I could not. The casting is awful because you do not believe that the younger versions are the same as the older ones. They do not look or act alike, so I do not know what they were thinking when they were casting this show. Plus, they just keep jumping back and forth between time and it does not flow. It would be better to have it be flashbacks from Alex at 65, then just going from 14 to 65 to 40 to 65 to 14. It is hard to keep your interest when it is too complicated to follow. Hopefully, it will get better as the show progresses, but I do not see how.


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