Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » March
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Lena Dunham got a breast tattoo
March 3rd, 2017 under Lena Dunham. [ Comments: 1 ]

Now that Lena Dunham is no longer getting naked for Girls, she can do what she wants to her body. Therefore she got inked below her breasts with a chandelier and no one will care. She said, “This is my first original piece by a female tattoo artist and it felt sacred and cool and she didn’t chide me for copying @badgalriri’s (Rihanna) placement.”

It looks just as stupid on the actress as it does the singer. Thankfully, now that the HBO show is over, this will probably be the last time we will see her chest. Which is good thing.


Watch a reporter not know he is interviewing Adrian Peterson?
March 3rd, 2017 under Sports figures, TV News. [ Comments: none ]

Reporters have been interviewing people on the street since the dawn of TV News, but how many times do they actually interview a celebrity as one of those Man on the Streets? Never if ever.

But that streak came to an end on Wednesday when Fox 26’s John Donnelly interviewed Adrian Peterson about road rage, not knowing he was interviewing a local sports hero about the subject. At the end of their conversation when the Houston reporter asked for his subject’s name for his story, that is when he found out he was talking the Football legend and his reaction is priceless.

In his defense, sports stars look different when they are not dressed up in their gear. Which is a good thing because it gave us this classic moment.


Hot Links!
March 2nd, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Who looks good in Daisy Dukes? – Dlisted

Why? – The Blemish

NSFEyes – Celebslam

Victoria Justice in lace – GCeleb

Emma Watson's underboob – The Nip Slip

Jennifer Aniston pregnant with a girl? – Celebitchy


Katy Perry cut that man right out of her hair
March 2nd, 2017 under Katy Perry. [ Comments: 3 ]

A post shared by KATY PERRY (@katyperry) on

A post shared by KATY PERRY (@katyperry) on

On Tuesday night, Katy Perry announced that her and Orlando Bloom broke up, and today she debuted a new much shorter do. One you might say that looks a lot like the Miley Cyrus/Justin Bieber. Shockingly, it looks good on her.

Now, what will be interesting is will her music change due to it. Because let’s be honest her last two singles have been awful and she needs a change. Maybe the haircut is what she needed since she has had the same hairstyle since she kissed a girl.

Are you hot or cold for her hairdo?


BTWF ads: Ian Somerhalder for Target
March 2nd, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Ian Somerhalder. [ Comments: none ]

Before Ian Somerhalder was drinking blood on The Vampire Diaries, he was drinking Taster’s Choice Coffee at Target. He looks the same now as he did when he was 22 in that 2001 ad, proving he might actually be a Vampire!


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