Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » March
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Is Pamela Anderson starting to look her age?
March 7th, 2017 under Pamela Anderson. [ Comments: none ]

Pamela Anderson is a few months away from turning 50, and yet the mother of two normally doesn’t look anywhere near her age. Yesterday, she went to a fashion show at Paris Fashion Week, and she dressed demurely from head to toe. Meaning the thick eyeliner, darker makeup and flowing hair were all tamed for a softer appearance. It might make her appear a little older than normal, but it also makes her absolutely gorgeous. Like old school Hollywood. An image she should incorporate more often because it really suits her.


What happened to John Stamos?
March 7th, 2017 under John Stamos. [ Comments: none ]

John Stamos is in between projects now, so he doesn’t have to look like that sexy, never-ageing guy we know. Because of that he has let himself go and grew a bushy beard. Now, he looks like an Electronic Store employee who got lost in the storage room for a week and no one went to find him. Not sure I would go looking for him either dressing like that. But then again, he deserves a break because looking sexy for over three decades is not easy to do and he made it seem so effortless.


Hugh Jackman really gets into his ADR sessions!
March 7th, 2017 under Hugh Jackman. [ Comments: none ]

There is a little trick in Hollywood to make sounds really pop on the screen because they don’t always record as they want in the field. They do that by re-recording the audio in a soundproof room after they are done filming the scene.

Here is Hugh Jackman, recording a scene where he is running and fighting. Even though he is just standing in front of a microphone, he went all out. Running, punching and screaming just like he did when they originally filmed the scene.

It is quite incredible to watch. But then again, it is always incredible to watch Wolverine. I want see Deadpool aka Ryan Reynolds top that!


See how TLC hid Josh Duggar at Jinger’s wedding
March 7th, 2017 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 4 ]

via Daily Mail
For obvious reasons Josh Duggar is person non grata on TLC, so what does the network do when he attends a wedding of one of the show’s stars that they are going to air? They can’t ask him not come, as much as we would all like. Therefore someone’s lightbulb went off in their head and they came up with the perfect way to make him disappear. It was like a ray of light, or should I say a sun glare. They edited in a ball of light making us think the sun was shining down on Jinger and Jeremy’s wedding. But instead they used it to cover up the dark energy that was there. You know, the brother who allegedly touched his younger sisters inappropriately.

Have to admit that was pretty smart trick by TLC. Whomever came up with that plan deserves a raise and an Emmy!


Watch Adele get scared of a mosquito!
March 7th, 2017 under Adele. [ Comments: none ]

Adele was performing in Brisbane the other night when things got down right buggy. That’s because a big mosquito flew in front of her and brought its friends with it. She got so scared, she was running around like a crazy woman. Which I can’t say I blame her because did you see how big those things are.

When it comes to the bugs. I can’t blame them either. Heck, what doesn’t want to see and hear Adele sing live and go up to her just to say hello?


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