Tara Reid did a photoshoot and there was something different about her. At first I couldn’t figure out why she didn’t look the same and then I figured out what it was. She is not wearing the thick black eyeliner around her eyes and because of that she looks a little softer. I think she should consider dumping the liner, don’t you agree?
Tonight at 8p on NBC’s Heartbeat, Conjoined Twins (Justina Machado) come in because one of them is feeling sick. Alex (Melissa George) finds out that one of them has cancer and the other one doesn’t. Only problem is that the healthy twin has a bad heart and can’t handle her sister’s chemotherapy. The only way to save them is to separate them. After spending their whole lives together, they can’t imagine life apart. The doctor explains to them, if the sick sister doesn’t get chemo she will die and so will the healthy one. But if they are separated, they can both live. They tell her that they would rather die.
Will she be able to convince them to go through with the separation or will this episode have a very sad ending.
You don’t want to miss this hour of television that is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Make sure to have the tissues ready because you are going to need them. It is a real tearjerker that you don’t want to miss.
Heartbeat is a medical drama with a lot of heart. More so than the other ones that are currently on television. It’s a perfect mix of Grey’s Anatomy, Chicago Med and House.
Conan O’Brien added a new segment to his TBS late night show where Jordan Schlansky gets to review the products he likes. The first review was for Philips Norelco Bodygroom, a product the AP uses on a daily basis and thinks his boss should try it out. When Conan asked him where, Schlansky told him about the disgusting the red patch of hair at the base of his back that he saw back in 2004 when they shared a hotel room in Vegas.
Then after a long talk about that tramp stamp of pubes, O’Brien asked Jordan to shave it off. Down went his pants and off went the hair. Conan liked it so much, he asked his employee to go lower. Sadly for him that was below the reviewer’s pay grade. I guess he only shaves above the belt.
Whether you want to see the review or not, I highly recommend watching this video because it is the funniest thing you will see all day. Why hasn’t TBS given these two a show together? Could you imagine all the trouble they could get into together? Although, I think only one of them would make it out of the first season alive.
Remember when you were a kid and you looked forward to going to the playground. When you look back at it now, you only remember the good times. You forgot about all those bumps and bruises you got while you were playing there. Now, if you think about it, you remember some of them and wonder why our parents let us play in such a dangerous place?
How dangerous? Kyoot Kids posted a compilation video of several playground fails, and you will never look at the joyous place the same again. Now, it is funny place as compared to just being a fun one. But then again I am sadist and I love seeing people in pain.
If you are like Jimmy Kimmel, then you watch a lot of daytime cable news. If you are like me, then you watch a lot of oldies but goodies TV show channels. No matter which one of us you are like, then you have seen a lot of commercials with older celebrities like Cindy Williams, Henry Winkler and Alex Trebek to name a few.
Well the ABC late night host wanted to know what he would look like in those future ads, so he created one. He is the new spokesperson for First Nationwide Providence. You know what, he is a lot hotter in 10 years than he is now. He should go grey, get the eye lift and put on that wig because with all of that, he makes me want to go all First Nationwide Providence on him. Since he doesn’t know what that means, neither do I!