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Hot Links!
February 10th, 2016 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Which hot leading men is playing Donald Trump? – Dlisted

Gigi Hadid naked – The Blemish

Who says her pie is tasty? – THS

The Fuller House fuller trailer – omg blog

Kaley Couco's nips aren't even – Celebslam

Who is People's Sexiest DILF? – Faransulista

Nicole Kidman in a see-thru wet T-Shirt – The Nip Slip

What happened to Jennifer Aniston's boobs? – Celebitchy


Jimmy Kimmel Live shows a very graphic scene from The Brothers Grimsby
February 10th, 2016 under Jimmy Fallon, Sacha Baron Cohen. [ Comments: none ]

Sacha Baron Cohen was on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight to promote his new movie The Brothers Grimsby. What happens when an actor is on a late night talk show to promote their film, they bring a clip with them. Well, he brought a clip with him that was so graphic that the show couldn’t show it, so they came up with a way to still air it.
It almost makes you want to see the movie to see what happened, but you know in reality watching this will be a million times funnier than the film and much easier to sit through. This lasted only :90 seconds, and the film lasts :90 minutes and costs you at least $15 a ticket. This was free and when it comes to Borat/Bruno, free is always better. This way you don’t feel like you wasted that money on a pile of crap.


BTWF ads: Emily Osment for McDonald’s
February 10th, 2016 under Before They Were Famous, Fast Food, Haley Joel and Emily Osment, Young and Hungry. [ Comments: none ]

Emily Osment 1998 Happy Meal ad. Age 6

Before Emily Osment was a Chef on Young & Hungry, McDonald’s prepared a Happy Meal for her. How awwwwwwdorable was the 6 year old in that 1998 commercial?


Does Young & Hungry’s Emily Osment think Josh & Gabi should get together?
February 10th, 2016 under Freeform, Haley Joel and Emily Osment, Young and Hungry. [ Comments: none ]

Young & Hungry is a comedy about a man and a woman who should be together, but just can’t seem to make it happen. On the first episode, Josh (Jonathan Sadowski) hired Gabi (Emily Osment) to be his personal Chef. The first night she cooked for him, they had a little too much to drink and slept together. Only problem, he’s engaged. The two of them decided to keep their relationship strictly a professional one.
As the season went on, Gabi and Josh started to grow feelings for each other, but he was getting married. She wound meeting a new guy and Josh set the date for his nuptials. Then as his big day approached, he realized he was with the wrong woman, but it was too late because Gabi left on plane with that other man.
She finally returned to San Fransisco, but she was still with that other guy who was half way around the world. Eventually, she realized she still liked Josh. But it wasn’t enough, so they continued to date other people…a lot of other people.
Then when last season ended, she was dating a new guy, Josh’s brother. But a grand gesture on Josh’s part made her re-evaluate how she felt about him. So when he showed up where she was at, she knew what she had to do. And that gets you caught up to tonight’s episode on Freeform at 8p.
Does Emily Osment want Josh and Gabi to get together and make it work? She recently told me when I visited the set, “I don’t want them to get together because I feel like it is that Rachel and Ross old tale of once they are together, the audience is satisfied and then what? Then you are just in a happy relationship and that is not good TV.” Then she added, “I think the writers are doing a very smart of job of planning when they get together, planning how long they are going to be together, what is going to tear them apart and who is going to be next. With Gabi there is always somebody, which I find very hilarious.”
Another thing she is enjoying, is the changes to the show since ABC Family became Freeform a few weeks ago. She revealed how it has changed the show, “We are pushing the limit now that we are on Freeform. The things we are able to do, the bracket has widened a little bit and we are taking that to our full advantage.” What does that mean? She said, “Well there’s a little more nudity. It’s a little more suggestive. It’s played more real.” Explaining, “If you think about it, anybody who’s dating in their 20’s and 30’s, come across a lot of topics that are sex related. I think we are kind of exploring that a little bit more. Which is funny because obviously we are a comedy and we are not going to play anything to real but the jokes that we make involving sex are pretty hysterical.”
If you thought Young & Hungry was pretty hysterical beforehand, it is even going to be even more hysterical this season. I don’t know how they are going to make this hysterical show even more hysterical, but I know that they will. That is enough of a reason to tune in.


Ghostbusters II predicts this Valentine’s Day as the End of the World!
February 10th, 2016 under Bill Murray. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1989, February 14, 2016 seemed like a really long time away because it was 25 years in the future. But on February 10, 2016, that seems like it is really near because it is.
Why am I bringing this up? Because during Ghostbusters II, Dr. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray) hosted a show for Psychics and a woman told him a source told her that the World will end on February 14, 2016. Where did Elaine (Chloe Webb) get this information, she said, “I received this information from an alien.” Then she added, “It was in the Paramus Holiday Inn, I was having a drink at the bar alone and this alien approached me. He started talking to me. He bought me a drink.” Then that alien took her back to his room and told her about the End of the World.
So folks, if you get dumped or you are single on Valentine’s Day and it feels like the End of the World, it is because Ghostbusters II said so.


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