The Kardashians trekked all the way to NYC to support their sister Kim Kadashian‘s husband Kanye West’s album listening party/fashion show at Madison Square Garden. As a reward to them, he made them wear his clothes and pose in them. They look as thrilled as, well, they look absolutely miserable. Then again if I were surrounded by all of those drab colors, I would be depressed too.
The last time I saw all those colors together like that is when I would drive up to Santa Clarita a few months ago and all the hills were the same color as his clothes because it hadn’t rained in a almost a year. Which means they were covered with inches of mud and dust. Now that it has rained, they are now green and full of life. Maybe Kanye should add some life to his walking dead fashion line.
via Entertainment Weekly
Before Jennifer Lopez was starring in her own music videos, she had a small part in Janet Jackson’s That’s the Way Love Goes. How cute was the 23 year old in that 1993 music video?
Ever since Kanye West announced that the name of his album is The Life of Pablo, people have wanted to know, “Who is Pablo?” Pablo Schreiber, Pornstache from Orange Is the New Black and the psycho who kidnapped Olivia Benson on Law & Order: SVU, took to Twitter to claim he is that Pablo.
He Tweeted, “I would like to thank @kanyewest for his upcoming album about my life. It’s an amazing collaboration and I’m honored to be a part of it…” Then he added, “First Hip-hop album to detail the experiences of a white kid growing up in rural Canada with a Hispanic name. #LIFEOFPABLO”, “Raw, gritty and unedited. The trials and tribulations of a semi-recognizable actor; from cold readings to craft services. #LIFEOFPABLO”, “Grew up pretty comfortable, Lots of food on the table. Now I go to parent teacher meetings when I’m able. #LIFEOFPABLO #Outtakes” and “All my friends are famous, all my exes are hot. But I still get super paranoid when I smoke pot. #LIFEOFPABLO #RhymesThatYeezyCut”.
After all of that, do you think he is that Pablo? If he is, then his half brother Liev Schriber must be so jealous. No one named an album after him.
If you watch Gold Rush on Discovery every Friday at 9p, then you would know that Parker’s Grandpa John Schnabel is like a grandfather to everyone there. Today is his 96th birthday, yes he’s 96 years young, and he has some words of wisdom to share with all of us. Having him share his knowledge about life with us is worth more than its weight in gold.
When he was asked what he has learned, in his nearly 30 years, of mining gold, he shared with his fans, “Optimism is the first ingredient that will allow you to succeed. Cause optimism gives you the strength to face difficulties otherwise you would just lay down and say, ‘I quit!'” Then he added, “I think you have to enjoy what you are doing. Frankly, that is almost as important as anything else can be. If you don’t enjoy your work then you are in the wrong place.”
Then someone wanted to know how to succeed in life? His advice is, “You got to make up your mind when you start anything that you are going to win. You can only succeed if you have confidence and an attitude, then it’s possible to be a winner. Otherwise you are going to be left on the side of the road.”
When it comes to what he loves to do besides mining gold. He sweetly revealed, “It’s to spend time with members of my family.”
My favorite question that he answered wasn’t on the video. Someone wanted to know from him how to deal with a difficult person. His response is one we should all follow, “Don’t give up on them. If a person is being difficult, try to find out why. If you can develop an ability to have some measure of empathy with them that will enable you to understand why they act the way they act…you can be a very valuable element in making their life better.”
He is making our lives better by sharing these golden nuggets with us. His words can be used for so many things in our daily lives. Take what he says to heart, and some day share his knowledge with someone else. You can then make someone else’s life better, like he has just made yours.
Now, when it comes to Grandpa John Schnabel, can you believe he will turn 100 during the next leap year? He doesn’t look anywhere close to his age. He looks and acts like someone who is in their 70’s if not younger. Don’t you think?
Make his birthday even more special and watch Gold Rush tomorrow and every Friday at 9p on Discovery.