Felicity Huffman shared a photo of her husband William H Macy looking all beat up, so what is going on? Is there a problem with their marriage? Nope, this is just a shameless plug for his show Shameless!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens broke so many records in its first few days, and it looks like it will be breaking a whole lot more before it ends its theatrical run. You could say the latest movie in the franchise is staying alive. Jimmy Fallon and The Tonight Show believe it so much that he mashed up the cast from the first 6 movies so it sounds like that they are singing the Bee Gees’ classic. It is crazy how well it works, and that could be because the first three movies came out in the Disco era! Ah Ah Ah Ah!
Selena Gomez totally shed her Disney image and her clothes for her music video Hands to Myself. The former child star looked anything but as she lied in a bed wearing just her underwear and touched herself think of the man she was stalking.
I have to admit this is the first time, I saw her looking like a temptress. What did you think?
Before Harrison Ford was punching people as Indiana Jones, he punched Jack Lemmon in Luv. How much did you luv the 24 year old actor in that 1967 movie?